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  1. wdwperry

    Is Disney unlikely to invest in buidling a "land" again?

    When the people are biased against the land because they don't like the sequel films, thats where I have the problem. There are plenty of attractions or even lands that I don't like the property or have no opinion on, such as Avatar, Harry Potter and Transformers, yet I know how to separate the...
  2. wdwperry

    Is Disney unlikely to invest in buidling a "land" again?

    This thread shows how toxic the fanbase really is. Despite being from the sequel trilogy, which I'll admit has its problems, the land is beautiful and really evokes a Star Wars feeling that I cant get over. The architecture, the Stormtroopers roaming, the Cantina, and hopefully RotR too. It's...
  3. wdwperry

    News Epcot's Rosewalk walkway closed for widening construction

    I think we're gonna have to get used to that view at Epcot for a while.
  4. wdwperry

    Rumor Bye Bye (Tiki) Birdies?

    It's not just about him reporting on the rumor that triggered them to respond. It's about how he presents the info. When you read his articles he makes it seemed confirmed, despite the fact that he puts rumor in the title. It shows he has no journalistic integrity.
  5. wdwperry

    News Primeval Whirl at Disney's Animal Kingdom experiencing extended downtime

    I think a constant, loud chain-lift noise in the background would suffice.
  6. wdwperry

    Rumor Disney Looking To Trade The Theme Park Rights of Alien with Universal in exchange for Black Panther to Build a Wakanda Pavillion at Epcot

    That's exactly why I thought a Wakanda would work best as an exhibit in Innoventions. You could easily set it up as a showcase of what Vibranium could be used for and have a few interactive elements added in as well. Still not an ideal situation, but with the new direction they are taking Future...
  7. wdwperry

    Next Gen Busses

    Sorry. Completely forgot to post the link in. I should know better about citing my sources being a college student :banghead:
  8. wdwperry

    Next Gen Busses

    Blog Mickey has just posted pictures of new busses that have USB ports available at every seat and new wraps. A nice welcome addition.
  9. wdwperry

    DHS Per Jim Hill, the Star Wars restaurant is coming.

    The main attraction missing, the AP blackouts, and the hype for the crowds all have to do with the current crowds being down. It has nothing to do with the mishandling of the Star Wars brand as some have made it out to be.
  10. wdwperry

    DHS Who’s going to Galaxy’s Edge and when?

    Going for my 21st in mid September. Little did I know Disney was going to give me the gift of insufferable crowds at Hollywood Studios.
  11. wdwperry

    NFL 2019 Offseason Discussion Thread

    As a Redskins fan, I think you and the rest of the league are selling us a little short. Don't think we are a playoff team this season, but we have the potential for a great defense again this season (if they get they aren't on the field for 75% of the game) and a boom or bust offense with...
  12. wdwperry

    Best Universal Orlando E Ticket? (Poll)

    I didn't include F&F since I haven't ridden it yet, and I didn't consider it an E-Ticket. And don't get me wrong, I don't HATE FJ, I just thought it was an average ride. The system used is incredible but I didn't get off the ride and want to get right back on like I did with Spiderman.
  13. wdwperry

    Best Universal Orlando E Ticket? (Poll)

    All my opinions: Favorite: Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man Most Disappointing: Forbidden Journey (don't kill me for this) Worst: Skull Island: Reign of Kong
  14. wdwperry

    DHS Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway confirmed

    Sorry, but no. If that's all you see the attraction as, then you really are missing the point. This ride is a creation of what one of the most iconic vehicles in film, the Millennium Falcon, would be like if you were the pilot, engineer or gunner. If you see it as anything else, you are missing...
  15. wdwperry

    PotC mist screen removed/turned off for good

    For the better. Not that it was a bad effect but it detracted from the unsettling vibe that the other cave scenes had.
  16. wdwperry

    DHS Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway confirmed

    I think @MickeyMouse10 has gotten a new account.
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