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  1. M

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    And you think that will be enforced? That just means no masks required no matter what the wording of for “vaccinated only”
  2. M

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Better and more lasting vaccines plus natural immunity to limit the number of people COVID can infect.
  3. M

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    We can’t mask our way out of COVID. Omicron proved that to us all.
  4. M

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    I echo these comments. My wife is also an RN who also works with COVID patients. Neither her nor I have gotten COVID and do not wear masks unless required (in TX that is not many places).
  5. M

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Different country, different culture, different mindset. The US will not adopt/accept masking permanently as part of our every day life post pandemic. It is simply not going to happen here.
  6. M

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    32 States "recommend" a mask 18 States + DC/PR "require" a mask Several states requiring masks are dropping the requirement later in Feb/Mar (NJ, Connecticut, Delaware and CA for vaccinated). For those that still want to wear them, they certainly can. The days of masks being state mandated...
  7. M

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Anyone waiting to return to WDW until the masking requirement is gone?
  8. M

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Does not change the fact that there are those who do not mind/support/like masking and those that don't for a variety of reasons. At this point 2 years into this, those perspectives are unlikely to change on either side.
  9. M

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Wearing a mandated mask is a constant reminder that we are still under the thumb of this pandemic. For many, it is that constant reminder that makes "moving on / living life" not the same as "getting back to the way it was" which is what many people long for.
  10. M

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Back to the office today in TX where I enter the alternate reality of hand sanitizers everywhere, social distancing markers and required masking again. Feels like I’m going back to 2020.
  11. M

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    My guess regarding the mask policy at Walt Disney World is dependent on 1) CDC guidance 2) Local guidance 3) Possibly California guidance (home office) Once all three say it is ok to drop masks, I think that is when Walt Disney World will follow. I doubt they will drop masks before those...
  12. M

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Promising trend to see - let’s hope it continues Daily 7 day rolling averages over the last few weeks per CDC Jan 14 803k (Peak 7 day avg) Jan 21 717k (-86k) Jan 28 543k (-174k) Feb 4 313k (-230k) Feb 11 ??? Deaths lag behind cases by about 2-3 weeks and have leveled off as well...
  13. M

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    And now back to our regularly scheduled programming… We are taking this too far off topic.
  14. M

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    A California based study posted by the CDC about a version of the virus that is essentially gone (Delta) is not going to get more people to mask up at this point for Omicron. The 7 day avg is down more than 50% since the peak in Jan and continuing to trend down at a good clip. Those who wear...
  15. M

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Bets on when Disney removes the mask policies? My guess is the earliest would be spring break (March) with more likely by Easter (April). Assuming cases continue to drop and level off at a very low level.
  16. M

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    The terrible messaging has continued from the CDC with keeping the phrase “fully vaccinated” and added to it “up to date”. The communication and messaging from the CDC has been so confusing that it has only added to the mistrust people have for what the have to say. Their credibility has taken...
  17. M

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Intersting CDC site to review. If you look at the excess deaths from normal, we are at about 1m total since Feb 1, 2020. This aligns fairly well with the numbers reportedly linked to COVID as either the cause or a contributing factor for a given death. As you look into the data, it is clear...
  18. M

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Here's to hoping this downward trend continues and we are in a much better spot come spring time (March/April). I do not want or need to learn anymore greek alphabet letters.
  19. M

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Question…. I have no issue with promoting washing your hands as general hygeine and cleaning surfaces, but it has been proven that COVID is airborne and not transmitted through touching surfaces. Why do they still state washing hands and cleaning surfaces frequently being that COVID is not...
  20. M

    Coronavirus and Walt Disney World general discussion

    Got the test kits today that were mailed out by the government today. Made in China by an Chinese owned company. Really? Can we not even make our own test kits?
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