Search results

  1. drwadadli

    How much did your trip cost?

    December 2015 ---- $10500 ----- Two adults at the Grand Floridian with deluxe dining plan (including tips), flights, park tickets (only got 1 ticket with our package as had several no-expiration date tickets), spa, D-light Holiday tour, and dinner at Victoria & Albert's Chef's Table with wine...
  2. drwadadli

    What is the dress code for California Grill? Yay or nay?

    IMHO (or our humble opinion), California Grill is so overrated with good food (NOT great) and that the only thing it has going for it is the view. It was very noisy including the bar area. It was not a quiet romantic restaurant as all the other signature dining restaurants (except The...
  3. drwadadli

    Cut the word / add a word

    Hello / Goodbye
  4. drwadadli

    ABC's - Disney Style...

    Liver Lips McGrowl
  5. drwadadli

    The 'letter' game!

    Dixie Landing
  6. drwadadli

    Eat it Or Spit it

    Eat it Gumbo
  7. drwadadli

    Cut the word / add a word

    Who / There
  8. drwadadli

    A Word with Friends...

  9. drwadadli

    The 'letter' game!

    Liver Lips McGrowl
  10. drwadadli

    Eat it Or Spit it

    Eat it Homebrew beer
  11. drwadadli

    Cut the word / add a word

    Animal / Doctor
  12. drwadadli

    ...but What CHARACTER said it!

    Rizzo of the Muppets "nobody hits that old horse hide like that new fella, Babe Ruth."
  13. drwadadli

    Cut the word / add a word

    Flats / Tire
  14. drwadadli

    The 'letter' game!

    Yao (from Mulan)
  15. drwadadli

    ABC's - Disney Style...

  16. drwadadli

    Eat it Or Spit it

    Spit it Nachos
  17. drwadadli

    A Word with Friends...

  18. drwadadli

    Would you prefer a larger shower and no tub?

    Totally a shower person so would prefer a large shower over a tub
  19. drwadadli

    A Word with Friends...

  20. drwadadli

    Eat it Or Spit it

    Spit it Homemade strawberry jam -------- made 48 pints this weekend
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