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  1. L

    How long before we start seeing tattoos on Disney CM's?

    Nowhere i know of in the UK discriminates people with tattoos, it's frowned upon to. It's the same as not hiring someone for a job because they wear a head scarf. People who have a problem with tattoos need to grow up and get with the times, that includes Disney. Obviously there are exceptions...
  2. L

    So when people complain about the standard of food within the parks .........

    Maybe being from the UK I have a different view on the food, but compared to theme parks and other attractions here, the food is great value for money and tastes great. I love the quick service "restaurants". Here you may get a measly burger (flat as a pancake), chips(fries) and a drink for £10+...
  3. L

    Rivers of Light FP - available mid-day/day of?

    I think you will be extrmely lucky to find a fast pass on the day. I would recommend to book with as much notice as you can. I recall i couldn't see any available within a month. Fortunatly i was able to get one 60 days in advance with my booking.
  4. L

    Pandora Soft Opening Watch

    Sounds like there might be a slight chance i will get to see this then, atleast to walk inside and see the floating islands. I'm not getting my hopes up though as i'm not an AP holder so may get stopped at the gates kicking and screaming :p
  5. L

    Pandora Soft Opening Watch

    I will be there 29th April - 11th May, is it a long shot getting my hopes up? Coming from the UK we probably won't return again for a good few years :(
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