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  1. Tamandua

    All things Universal Studios Hollywood

    This reminds me of when I went to epcot years ago and my friend and I were in line for mission space. At one point in the queue, there's a control room to your right, and there was a guy sitting behind the control panel. My friend and I kept watching him and debating whether it was a real person...
  2. Tamandua

    Coranavirus Disneyland General Discussion

    I think more people would be willing to take the vaccine if A) They took away the liability protections from the drug companies so that there's recourse if something goes terribly wrong and B) They didn't continue restrictions on vaccinated people But A is a really, really big deal. As long...
  3. Tamandua

    Coranavirus Disneyland General Discussion

    It sounds like the vaccine doesn't help much against this variant. What about all those vaccinated Texas lawmakers who have tested positive this last week, and spread it in DC to other vaccinated lawmakers? The vaccine is sounding less and less effective while the list of side effects grows and...
  4. Tamandua

    Coranavirus Disneyland General Discussion

    Here's what I don't understand... Pasadena has an 80% vaccination rate and apparently has so many new cases that they're bringing back the mask mandate and requiring public employees to be vaccinated. If you have 80% vaccinated and your case count is out of control... Then the vaccine doesn't...
  5. Tamandua

    Coranavirus Disneyland General Discussion

    The risks of severe vaccine side effects are much higher in children. But even if it's rare, whatever rare thing that might happen to me from the vaccine is a lot worse than what would happen to me if I got covid... Again. I mean I already had covid. I have immunity... But people have lost their...
  6. Tamandua

    Coranavirus Disneyland General Discussion

    I know you guys think I'm full of crap, but do you trust the FDA?
  7. Tamandua

    Coranavirus Disneyland General Discussion

    I spoke to an intensive care nurse who works at a hospital in Pasadena tonight. She said they currently have 0 covid patients in intensive care. She also said her hospital has seen a huge spike in suicides over the last year. She thinks this new mask mandate is terrible.
  8. Tamandua

    Coranavirus Disneyland General Discussion

    I just got a letter from our health care provider inviting our 6 year old to take place in the vaccine trial. Unbelievable. She's only 6 and in perfect health, absolutely no risk from covid. There's only downside in having her take an experimental vaccine so that they can see how many kids get...
  9. Tamandua

    Rumor Avengers E-Ticket More Dead Than You'd Think

    I think there's a decent number of people out there like me that saw Endgame as the end of the story, and saw that coming a few years out, and had the goal in mind to keep up with the series until then, but after that... Whatever. I only saw captain marvel because I was so invested in the series...
  10. Tamandua

    Coranavirus Disneyland General Discussion

    Any Los Angeles County business that enforces this will lose business to others that don't enforce it, or any business one county over in any direction. This will only hurt Los Angeles County.
  11. Tamandua

    Coranavirus Disneyland General Discussion

    Assuming places even enforce this the way they did before, which I think is unlikely. There's already a lot of pushback.
  12. Tamandua

    All things Universal Studios Hollywood

    Exactly. Let everyone decide for themselves what they need to do to protect themselves and stop bossing everyone else around and treating perfectly healthy people like they have the plague.
  13. Tamandua

    All things Universal Studios Hollywood

    Why? I've already had covid. My dad and my sister got the vaccine after already having covid and they had SEVERE reactions... Far worse than covid itself. I'm not putting myself through that so a bunch of covid nazis sleep better at night. My dad and sister only got the vaccine so that they...
  14. Tamandua

    All things Universal Studios Hollywood

    Do you really think this is about a virus? If covid were a really scary virus, people would be fighting each other for the vaccine. Instead you have half the country more worried about the side effects of the vaccine than the virus itself, and now you have a bunch of people who only got the...
  15. Tamandua

    Coranavirus Disneyland General Discussion

    Yup. My wife and I went to Vegas to escape the California insanity for a while.
  16. Tamandua

    Coranavirus Disneyland General Discussion

    I'm not wearing a mask. Never again.
  17. Tamandua

    Disneyland officially reopening April 30th

    I doubt orange county would do this. Only if the governor forced them to, and he's unlikely to with the looming recall.
  18. Tamandua

    All things Universal Studios Hollywood

    Just two weeks to slow the spread everybody!
  19. Tamandua

    Dumbest Thing You've Heard a Guest Say

    On Saturday I actually saw a woman on Mission Breakout tell the cast member checking seat belts that she didn't have one. She then struggled for about 30 seconds to fasten the seat belt after being shown where the seatbelt was. The most incredible thing was that it was obvious that she fully...
  20. Tamandua

    Dumbest Thing You've Heard a Guest Say

    Not sure if dumb or just pathetic, but I heard a full grown man say "That's not fair!" when he was told that he had to run the half marathon to get a Disneyland Half Marathon medal.
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