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  1. Tamandua

    News Disneyland modifies mask policy - UPDATE 7/28/21

    Ironically, I've only been asked to wear a mask at DLR, which doesn't have any kind of legal requirement to enforce masks. In LA County, I've yet to be asked to wear a mask anywhere. I think businesses here are just over it, or at least in the area where I live. Policy matters aside, the one...
  2. Tamandua

    News Disneyland modifies mask policy - UPDATE 7/28/21

    Try getting a 4 year old to do that.
  3. Tamandua

    News Disneyland modifies mask policy - UPDATE 7/28/21

    Although I think masks are pointless, I have to say after visiting Disneyland yesterday that the indoor only requirement is basically more annoying than when they were required at all times indoors and outdoors. My wife and I forgot several times to pass off our kids masks to each other when...
  4. Tamandua

    Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance opening reports and using Boarding Groups at Disneyland

    Probably like 45 minutes to an hour. I know other rides had that or longer listed, but that was usually longer than reality. The Boarding groups aren't saving you any time.
  5. Tamandua

    News Disneyland Magic Key Program

    Using our California 3 day tickets, wondering if we'd want Magic Key passes if we stay in the area. Yesterday's visit to Disneyland reminded me of how far the current experience is from what it was in March 2020. Everyone was amazed at how low the prices are with these passes (compared to...
  6. Tamandua

    Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance opening reports and using Boarding Groups at Disneyland

    I went on Rise yesterday. It was easily the longest wait of the day for us, which begs the question of what good the boarding groups are doing if they're just packing the entire queue with people anyways.
  7. Tamandua

    Rumor Avengers E-Ticket More Dead Than You'd Think

    I don't feel sorry for Scarlett but I do think she has a point. It's possible that Disney was within their rights to do what they did, but it still violates the spirit of their agreement. Too bad I can't muster much sympathy for either side.
  8. Tamandua

    News Disneyland modifies mask policy - UPDATE 7/28/21

    Hey. I agree with you for once. The only place we disagree is that you believe people should be able to dictate what precautions and risks other people can take. I've always said people should take whatever precautions they feel necessary for themselves. Masks, vaccines, staying home...
  9. Tamandua

    News Disneyland modifies mask policy - UPDATE 7/28/21

    A lot of us tech company employees working from home indefinitely are probably never going to be required to get the jab. There's no mandate if you never go back to the office, and the regression back to covid restrictions is causing companies like ours to continue putting off returning to the...
  10. Tamandua

    News Disneyland Magic Key Program

    I haven't been to Disneyland since April, but that first day back didn't really even feel like Disneyland to me. Disneyland used to always have this feeling before like there was always a lot left to discover no matter how often you've been there. There were always shows, or entertainment...
  11. Tamandua

    News Disneyland Magic Key Program

    Rumor has it they are working on tons of opportunities to spend a few hundred dollars to get a 50 cent magnet.
  12. Tamandua

    Coranavirus Disneyland General Discussion

    That mandate made insurance prices skyrocket, just like what happened to health care when that was mandated.
  13. Tamandua

    Coranavirus Disneyland General Discussion

    I'm also against that mandate.
  14. Tamandua

    Coranavirus Disneyland General Discussion

    I went in to dominos tonight to pick up some pizzas. I wondered if they'd hassle me about not having a mask. As I was entering, I saw a maskless employee approaching. I held the door for him. No one cared about being maskless. I gotta go back there more often.
  15. Tamandua

    News Disneyland Magic Key Program

    I don't think it is. I had more than 10 months left on my Signature pass, which included Maxpass, and I only paid $1250.
  16. Tamandua

    News Disneyland modifies mask policy - UPDATE 7/28/21

    They city will be enforcing it. Unbelievable how far things have gone.
  17. Tamandua

    News Disneyland Magic Key Program

    They just can't call it an annual pass because then people would feel mad that their annual passes were canceled just so that could buy them back for more money with less benefits.
  18. Tamandua

    News Disneyland Magic Key Program

    She just has to be antagonistic because she hates me.
  19. Tamandua

    News Disneyland Magic Key Program

    Is there a contingency plan for if the governor shuts them down again?
  20. Tamandua

    News Disneyland Magic Key Program

    I was mocked for saying the AP program would be back this summer.
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