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  1. H

    News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District

    You pulled one sentence out and didn’t apply it to the context of what I wrote. I know what the first amendment is. My point is free speech is complex. Obviously one can’t put a racist message on their garage door and not expect a consequence. There are consequences for all our actions. I...
  2. H

    News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District

    Correct, that’s not what I said, I’m aware of the first amendment. My comment was analyzing what is a consequence.
  3. H

    News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District

    Disney’s lawsuit wording seems convoluted. “As punishment for speech.” Just because one has right to free speech, doesn’t mean there isn’t consequences for free speech. One could put a sign in their yard saying something offensive, but that doesn’t protect him from the consequences of...
  4. H

    News Walt Disney World to resume sales of Annual Passes (New sales resume April 20, 2023)

    Yes, but you would have not used the pass, have to pay the difference in price increase, and subject to availability. So your back to square one, and no point I can see.
  5. H

    News Walt Disney World to resume sales of Annual Passes (New sales resume April 20, 2023)

    The terms and conditions say you have 1 year to activate. (Current Passholders will be able to renew their Pass outside of their allotted renewal window by paying their difference in full) PASS EXPIRATION: For a new Pass purchase (not a renewal), a Pass is valid for applicable privileges for...
  6. H

    News Walt Disney World to resume sales of Annual Passes (New sales resume April 20, 2023)

    I can’t think of anyone outside Disney that could get away with telling to customers who already waited hours to leave their mobile phones on their bedsides while they sleep, with a warning to not let the phone snooze or battery run out.
  7. H

    News Walt Disney World to resume sales of Annual Passes (New sales resume April 20, 2023)

    Yes all hype to make people think they will run out, as if they paid $1500 for a winning lottery ticket. 11:18PM Friday night one can buy an Incredipass like normal, no queue or wait.
  8. H

    News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District

    My post is replying specially to another persons post to me. In its context it has its own point to that specific message. I don’t think I understand how these threads work,
  9. H

    News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District

    But see I could ask you to source how a majority of customers are for gay rights but you said it’s a guess which is fair. My “half” is also a guess. My guess is Disney customers are more a mirror of the entire country which could be a majority as you guess, but seems more to me about half...
  10. H

    News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District

    Getting back in equal measure what you put into world has zero to do with “deserve.” If i plant 10 seeds and get back 10 trees, I got back what I planted, not what iI deserved.
  11. H

    News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District

    It is my understanding that Disney paid over $250k to Hey James, politely, I was specifically answering somebody called goofgood who accused me of saying that Disney “deserves” consequences because I wrote “you reap what you sow” living ago. Goodgoid said that the saying...
  12. H

    News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District

    I’m sorry but you are incorrect. “Reap what you sow” does not mean one deserves consequences. It means one eventually have to face up to the consequences of your actions. For ex I could argue that Disney should have anticipated negative fallout, but that does not mean that they deserve...
  13. H

    News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District

    No I did not say they are “getting what they deserve.” I only said Disney stepped in it.
  14. H

    News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District

    There are so many threads I have no idea what this response is for. ok. People on here have said this over and over, yet nobody has asked if I agree with government overreach. I do not. It’s kinda weird. All I ever said is that wading in politics, especially identity politics, is a no win...
  15. H

    News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District

    Because when businesses wade into political activism, especially identify politics, the court of public opinion (aka the customer base) will be split in half. No business wants to irk half its customers! It’s a no win scenario, Once you madden a big faction, then negative consequences.will...
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