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  1. mastif

    Epcot, and It's Cluttered Walkways

    The first time I ever went to epcot was in 1995, when I was about ten years old. I don't remember a whole lot, it's pretty fuzy. Since then I've been to epcot many, many times. I've even worked there. I never put any thought into future worlds walkways, until I saw a video on Martins website...
  2. mastif

    Classic Disney Channel

    While I don't know if your numbers or right, or where u even got them, I would agree that The old Disney Channel had a lot to do with Disney's popularity during the 90's. That makes me wonder why they don't revamp the new Disney Channel. Hey, they could even charge for it like they used to...
  3. mastif

    Classic Disney Channel

    Bring back Disney inside out, vault Disney, and duck presents! I'd totally pay for a channel like that if they played those old Shows and movies! Remember when the Disney channel was a premium channel? I used to love when we got the free previews :-)
  4. mastif

    A Disney Park Channel?

    ^^ loved that show
  5. mastif

    Extinct Attactions on DVD or CD?

    great website, great videos! I plan on spending a few hours on it tomorrow :animwink:
  6. mastif

    Which park would you go to just two guys together?

    1 more for have drinks around the world at epcot. If you don't want to drink I'd still suggest epcot since it's geared torwared a more mature crowd IMO
  7. mastif

    Pirates Drop?

    ....where is it then...?
  8. mastif

    New app for phones?

    What is the app called that ensures you are in the proxemity of the parks? just curious. I have "WDW Wait Times" a free app. Is that the same one? it asks me about location services everytime i start it. maybe that's it?
  9. mastif

    Grouchy CMs low quality standards and other things from our trip...

    You probably shouldn't go to WDW during the holidays anymore. While 20hr shifts aren't common, 10-15hr shifts are.,,
  10. mastif

    It's worse than I thought...

    I know, I know, there are probably tons of threads about this....but what is the reason it hasn't been repaired. I thought it just had to do with money, but i guess both? Also, does anyone know why it broke? maybe just wear/tear? Anyway I agree with you, While I think it's still a great...
  11. mastif

    Grouchy CMs low quality standards and other things from our trip...

    not only that but theres a ton there are also going home that time too :p
  12. mastif

    American Idol Experience Winner to be in Top 24 of Show

    Noticed that too, tho it was only for a few seconds. I think what he was trying to say, was that they haven't mentioned it at all. I too am surprised nothing has been said. You'd at least think they'd mention the AIE, how it works and what not, kinda hype it up. I think it would be great...
  13. mastif

    Imageworks - Can we make a difference?

    ^There's also another "cast" only stairway between the exit to the gift shop and HISTA that could be used in emergency...
  14. mastif

    Abandoned WDW Attractions

    I think i remember this but very vaugley. did the cat walk by any chance lead outside? I also remember a knight's armor on display...?
  15. mastif

    Must have iPhone Apps

    I like breakspin. It's by DisneyInteractive tho it doesn't have anything to do with wdw. There is a lite version that is free to try.
  16. mastif

    becoming a cast member

    Also, certain PI's are only available to alumni of the College Program
  17. mastif

    Ice Station Cool?

    why did they re do the entrance? it used to be awesome!
  18. mastif

    Leaving for CP today

    Good luck! I was just getting home from my program 3 years ago, man time flies! Make sure you go to work, and be careful with security and get ready for an amazing experience!!
  19. mastif

    IS test track open?

    Just wondering. According the the wdw wait time app on my phone it's been closed the past few days....? Can anyone confirm this?
  20. mastif

    WDW wait time app for iphone/ipod

    Was just wondering how accurate this is. can anyone vouch for this That's been to wdw with a iphone? I hope people don't upload random times!
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