The structure being built in the first picture is the cave where the dog will be
That scene will feature a different creature that we haven't seen in the movies, but is featured in the books.
IOA has two of the best dark rides in the world, and one that is pretty dang good, all of which happen to have some scenes that include some simulation.
IoA literally has 0 "simulators", unless you count "having a screen" as a simulator.
But the new park (and the next set of attractions in the existing parks) will not be screen heavy.
Amusement ventures aimed at children designed to shill megacorporations' intellectual property are not important, no matter how much you and I enjoy them
All the Orlando theme parks are doing a lot. None of them are slowing down, and we're entering some of the most exciting times ever for the area.
Enough of the ing contest. Sit back and enjoy, and allow other people to enjoy themselves, even if they like something you don't or you like...
You’re assuming they didn’t have those items taken care of.
The fact is your assuming things you have no idea about, and then calling other people morons when they don’t agree with the conclusions you jump to.
Personally, this is one area I just don't have high hopes. Maybe it's purposefully keeping my expectations low so I'm not heartbroken when all it turns out being is buses, but hey, I'd rather be pleasantly surprised than heartbroken haha