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    Pre-Trip Virginia UFO Bigfoot

    Still sticking to the white T while the rest of the group has matching outfits. Rebel!😁
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    Trip Report First 6 pack Vaca!

    That was so fun! Your dog's tail was wagging away! I think the pup thought it had a magic band in the box too!
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    Trip Report The ONE© that was ONE (day.)April 2021 *Complete

    Sorry!!! I take it back! (But maybe plan to stay longer just incase!)
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    Trip Report The ONE© that was ONE (day.)April 2021 *Complete

    Hmmm, poor Tuvalu's trip home wasn't smooth either. Disney doesn't want you celebs to leave! Hope Loco Driver doesn't join the club with travel issues. Hope you get home soon!
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    Trip Report The ONE© that was ONE (day.)April 2021 *Complete

    All these meetups are amazing!!!
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    Trip Report COMPLETE -- Long Time Lurker, First Time Reporter...March 2021 Trip

    You can detour from the TR anytime with cute otter pics. That looks like a neat experience! That's great that your Mom volunteers!
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    Trip Report **COMPLETED** 364 Days and 8 Canceled Trips Later !

    So glad you got to return to your happy place! Curious if you guys made a sign like you used to to start your trip off.
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    Trip Report Cheerful Goodbye to 2020 and Optimistic Hello to 2021! Video Trip Report - Updated July 26th 2021

    Such a fun group! I think Clint needs to play the lottery, he is really good at guessing the ride wait times!
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    Trip Report You've Got a Friend in Me

    I literally laughed out loud with the pictures of J being held up as if flying. I would have bought that one because I would always get a laugh that poor E was totally blocked!
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    Trip Report Tales From the Two Goofs Vault

    He is handsome! Was Pickles impressed?
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    Trip Report Tales From the Two Goofs Vault

    Any chance Pickles was the ring bearer?
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    Trip Report Tips for Trip Reports - improvements coming

    I'm seeing a "NEW" button in orange/yellow in left hand lower corner above posters name. That shows me if there have been new posts I haven't read.
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    I have a trip next month and like you have been studying up on how to get a ROTR boarding group. If the kids had the app could they not have helped and tried to get one for the group? Not sure if it's whoever in your party gets one first closes out the availability. I'm thinking those teens on...
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    Trip Report Step Right UP! for the Main Event. Did we Blow Niece and Nephews Minds on their Very First Trip to the World?

    Congrats on a successful trip and the next two tentatively on the books! Can't wait to hear about it!
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    Trip Report Shrouded In A Daft Disguise *COMPLETED*

    I spy a hidden Mickey on your tray!
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    Pre-Trip Two Vets set to drag 2 first timers through the world! Project Niece and Nephew Part 1

    I hope the wait is well worth it and you all have an amazing time! I took my then 18 year old nephew and 16 year old niece for their first trip a few years ago. A trip of firsts for them including flying. They had a blast and talk about it every time I see them. Now they know why their aunt goes...
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    Trip Report Tales From the Two Goofs Vault

    Great pictures! You guys can make a new Soarin video. Glad Pickles enjoyed her puppuccino!
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    Trip Report Tales From the Two Goofs Vault

    Pickles must be smartly guarding A away from the steep areas.
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    Trip Report Tales From the Two Goofs Vault

    That is beyond hot!
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