Driving in to DHS. It could possibly be the start of a backstage building and not a show building. Hard to tell the exact location while just driving by.
I'm afraid you'll have to wait for the next aerials.
I should also add that the "fence" barrier between the land and parking garage is starting to be made to look like brown wooden planks.
Shame that Disney shut down the CGI update of Yellow Submarine that Robert Zemeckis was working on a few years ago. A Beatles dark ride would be absolutely amazing.
They are pushing for the old Moana room to be ready for Star Lord by May 5th. I'm also hearing that Baby Groot will, in fact, be joining him in some capacity (puppet? animatronic?).
Baby Groot should be joining Star Lord when he starts appearing. I haven't heard if he will be a puppet or animatronic, but I'm told he'll be there in some capacity.