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  1. Steve1005

    How Many Days for You? Part 11

    That's the same guy we had in February! That was probably the best dinner we had all week!! :)
  2. Steve1005

    How Many Days for You? Part 11

    18!! I really need this time to speed up though.
  3. Steve1005

    How Many Days for You? Part 11

    Yea....I haven't even pulled my luggage out yet. #slacker :)
  4. Steve1005

    How Many Days for You? Part 11

    In the teens!!!!! 19 days till the Disneyland honeymoon!!
  5. Steve1005

    How Many Days for You? Part 11

    24 till the Disneyland honeymoon!!! I think I should get out the luggage soon huh? :)
  6. Steve1005

    How Many Days for You? Part 11

    I've been slacking for a few days. (Oops) but.... Tour and all dining is booked! (Along with a special World of Color dinner at Ariels Grotto that the soon to be wife doesn't know about) And 26 days till the disneyland honeymoon!
  7. Steve1005

    How Many Days for You? Part 11

    31 till my Disneyland honeymoon!!! Booking tour tomorrow!
  8. Steve1005

    How Many Days for you Part 10

    32!!! Finally got all my costume parts for our wedding reception/costume party, and in two days I can book our tour and dinner reservations! Tis a good week!
  9. Steve1005

    How Many Days for you Part 10

    35 today!! Disneyland honeymoon is almost here!! Five more days and I can make our Walk in Walt's Shoes tour reservations and a couple romantic honeymoon dinner reservations as well. :)
  10. Steve1005

    How Many Days for you Part 10

    38! Till the Disneyland honeymoon! Wow its starting to feel close now!!
  11. Steve1005

    How Many Days for you Part 10

    42 days till the Disneyland honeymoon! Just paid the whole balance to Disney and paid off the flight last night!!
  12. Steve1005

    How Many Days for you Part 10

    43 days! (Horrible ios8 update won't let me upload a picture file) :mad:
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