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  1. rael ramone

    A Spirited Valentine ...

    In that case they are turning away quality employees that have 'already been paid for' via the budget...
  2. rael ramone

    A Spirited Valentine ...

    So true..... CEO and Head of Parks & Resorts are two jobs that come to mind....
  3. rael ramone

    A Spirited Valentine ... Interesting bit from this article... Ed Werder *had two years left on his contract*. Others had significant time left on their deals. Yet they are being paid not to work. That's a way to show The Street...
  4. rael ramone

    2017 Epcot Food and Wine Festival beginning August 31st

    Quoted twice on a post made 5 1/2 months ago on the same That said I stand by what I originally said. Haven't been in the last two years, but after going to the event for just about every year since 2001 I saw a pronounced decline in the quality AND quantity of the samples...
  5. rael ramone

    Jungle Cruise Re-Imagining

    Maybe they'll add screenz...
  6. rael ramone

    A Spirited Valentine ...

    Right now, they *finally* realize that the parks AREN'T a mature investment, thanks to UNI & HP. And TV/Cable, even though down, still delivers a much bigger (for now) slice of Revenue Pie then Films (even though up). And beyond the percentages, there's the fact that for years TV/Cable...
  7. rael ramone

    A Spirited Valentine ...

    I suspect if the Weatherman went to Goodell to try to get the NFL contract reduced, Goodell would respond with a 'Ted DiBiase' laugh....
  8. rael ramone

    A Spirited Valentine ...

    When things were going gangbusters at ESPN, did any of that cash find it's way to plus the parks?... In the 'ESPN Heydey', the parks were seen as 'mature investments'... merely existing to add cash to the bottom line (and the recipient of as little CapEx as possible).... Basically all excess...
  9. rael ramone

    A Spirited Valentine ...

    But at least MTV & CC doesn't pay these huge fees for music & comedy...
  10. rael ramone

    A Spirited Valentine ...
  11. rael ramone

    A Spirited Valentine ...

    "ESPN exchanged a scalpel for a chainsaw, skipped the fat entirely, and went straight to cutting out muscle." Sounds like they are taking their cue from their corporate overlord...
  12. rael ramone

    A Spirited Valentine ...

    Can someone out there please invent time travel?...
  13. rael ramone

    A Spirited Valentine ...

    According to Hollywood Reporter, there are at least 3 others that are having their on air time 'significantly reduced', including Hannah Storm. An other article in another site said that they are telling people under contract to take 50% less or they'll be put on the shelf - so it sounds like...
  14. rael ramone

    A Spirited Valentine ...

    According to the other 'Skipper John', here are some buzz phrases on his statement released yesterday: how we best utilize all of our resources must be efficient and nimble focus on versatility and value
  15. rael ramone

    A Spirited Valentine ...

    Ed Werder is among the cuts...
  16. rael ramone

    New iCan Entertainment in Tomorrowland

    that kid w/ the packers jersey on looks scared...
  17. rael ramone

    Rumor Bye Bye (Tiki) Birdies?

    I've suspected that one of the reasons that they would (or are going to) reduce capacity is attraction/distraction capacity is distracting guests from their Sacred Duty to buy food, booze and plush. If you are sitting watching the Tiki Birds, then you aren't buying plush. If you are riding the...
  18. rael ramone

    Rumor Bye Bye (Tiki) Birdies?

    I suspect such a list does not exist - at the very least in it's present form. ANY attraction, regardless of how popular and iconic, can have inappropriate IP crammed into it...
  19. rael ramone

    Rumor Bye Bye (Tiki) Birdies?

    BRAND is not a real Theme.
  20. rael ramone

    A Spirited Valentine ...

    If kids need IP in order to connect with the various cultures represented in IASW (not that they'd even connect THEN), then they should be spending more time in school and not playing 'hooky' by spending needed Learning Time in the parks...
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