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  1. jengrey

    How Many Days for You? Part 12

    I've been waiting since the beginning of March to say this...
  2. jengrey

    Favorite non-Disney part of a Disney vacation

    I love stepping out of the jetway and walking into the Orlando airport..and of course, the train ride that takes you to the terminal.
  3. jengrey

    Who Pays for Your Trips to Disney?

    My folks paid for the trips we took as a family when I was younger (1985 - 1994). For this upcoming trip (a surprise for my husband who has never been to WDW), I paid for the MYW package and flights. I'm also springing for the rental car. After I told my husband about our vacation, he said the...
  4. jengrey

    Too much Disney

    I've never been to Disney World more than once every couple of years (longest dry spell was 12 years :eek:), but I used to live in L.A. and I had a Disneyland AP. I'd go all the time: on holidays, weekends...whenever. I figured I'd make good use out of that pass! Visiting the Disneyland resort...
  5. jengrey

    To rent a car or not to rent a car...

    Has anyone used the WDW buses lately? I've been reading quite a few negative reviews regarding the resort bus service from the past year (long waits, it taking way too long to get to the parks because the bus stops at numerous resorts, overcrowding, etc, etc). Were the buses from your resort...
  6. jengrey

    If you could ask Walt Disney one question....?

    1. When you were younger and just starting out your career as a cartoonist, did you have any inkling (no pun intended) of what kind of impact your characters would have in the future, and how much your creations would inspire others? 2. What do you think of the talking Mickey Mouse at the...
  7. jengrey

    The Postivie Disney Thread

    I love everything about Disney World. The rides, the buildings, the music, the food, the details, the landscaping...EVERYTHING! I love how you forget that an outside world, with all of its problems and inequalities and violence, even exists (at least that's what happens to me). I went there a...
  8. jengrey

    Problems at Hollywood Studios

    DHS has always been my least favorite, even when I was a kid and they had the Backlot Tour. Now I only go there to ride TOT and RNRC. I probably would skip it on this next trip but it's my husband's first time at WDW and I think he should see it for himself. Plus, I've never been to Starring...
  9. jengrey

    24 Hours Of Disney

    I've never done it and never even heard about it until a few months ago. Not sure if I would go or seems like a fun idea to be in the park at unorthodox hours, but the crowds that CaptainAmerica speaks of sound scary. Plus, in my old(er) age I'm usually turning in at around 10PM. Being...
  10. jengrey

    Free Dining 2015?

    Alas, I was unable to get a Riverside room with free dining BUT my travel agent was able to apply a late-summer room discount and upgrade our room at POFQ from standard to river view! I'm very appreciative for that! :D
  11. jengrey

    Free Dining 2015?

    Thanks! I'm still waiting to hear back from the travel agency. I'm sure they are swamped! I've been trying to call Disney to see if I could modify it through them, but I either get a busy signal or "all circuits are busy". I guess I'll just be patient!
  12. jengrey

    Free Dining 2015?

    I booked through Dreams Unlimited, currently booked for a room at POFQ but I emailed my agent and asked if it'd be possible to switch to Riverside to get the free dining (I'll be there for the Riverside qualifying dates). I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will work out. I love POFQ, but...
  13. jengrey

    Calendar confusion

    Thanks, Disney Stine! Hopefully, something similar will happen to us! I'm kind of bummed that there aren't any PM EMH's for Magic Kingdom on my dates, but I guess it's the time of the year, coupled with MNSSHP going on.
  14. jengrey

    Calendar confusion

    I'm starting to plan my fall (9/30-10/6) trip and am wondering...which calendar does everyone trust/go by (especially when it comes to EMH's)? The two calendars I'm looking at the most are the calendar on the Disney site and then this calendar...
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