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  1. lightningtap347

    News Disney World Cast Member unions to begin week of negotiations for wage increases, healthcare costs and more

    Yes! That's literally my EXACT POINT! I've been trying to get this across and didn't think I was...
  2. lightningtap347

    News Disney World Cast Member unions to begin week of negotiations for wage increases, healthcare costs and more

    Nowhere did I note that I think education should be free. I'm writing here for the last time because this is ultimately a huge waste of time rewriting over and over. I value a high skilled and educated labor force and believe that it would be in the best interest of the country that people...
  3. lightningtap347

    News Disney World Cast Member unions to begin week of negotiations for wage increases, healthcare costs and more

    Read the rest of the sentence. Personal responsibility is fine and you should be allowed to fail with your choices, but your government shouldn't be setting you up for failure through large insurmountable financial debt.
  4. lightningtap347

    News Disney World Cast Member unions to begin week of negotiations for wage increases, healthcare costs and more

    People should have the ability to attain what they deem to be higher education without fear of destitution through predatory government & private loans regardless of their intent, and your attempt to grammar nazi me doesn't belittle my ultimate point.
  5. lightningtap347

    News Disney World Cast Member unions to begin week of negotiations for wage increases, healthcare costs and more

    Sure! I would say that personal responsibility also extends to those that want to use their time and effort to reform or challenge the system as currently in place; and I'm not going to blame or make fun of people who did that and want to push for change. I didn't say you did that either, just...
  6. lightningtap347

    News Disney World Cast Member unions to begin week of negotiations for wage increases, healthcare costs and more

    I'm seeing this blame pop up on behalf of a student who wants higher education, and not at a system that puts insurmountable financial stress on those who take on these degrees that do not match their value. Rather than arguing to revise or change the system, I see people compare these people...
  7. lightningtap347

    News Disney World Cast Member unions to begin week of negotiations for wage increases, healthcare costs and more

    I have no problem with a student deciding to work through a degree they want. That's their choice, and may not end with a return they necessarily want. I do have a problem with the system that has allowed our education system to decay so exponentially that these degrees are an outrageous price...
  8. lightningtap347

    News Disney World Cast Member unions to begin week of negotiations for wage increases, healthcare costs and more

    You're fine; I'm a poor writer who can't succinctly articulate my points (even more so when I'm trying to have three conversations at once!).
  9. lightningtap347

    News Disney World Cast Member unions to begin week of negotiations for wage increases, healthcare costs and more

    Not dismissive of hard work - Dismissive of "hard workers" who are using their tangential experience to put others down and perpetuate a predatory system that impedes on generations of folk. I've worked very hard in my life and young career and don't plan on pulling the ladder up on future...
  10. lightningtap347

    News Disney World Cast Member unions to begin week of negotiations for wage increases, healthcare costs and more

    Congratulations on being the statistical outlier! Average medical school debt is over $200K, so I'm so glad your hard work paid off. It's such a shame for everyone else in medical school that clearly isn't working hard enough to have something like this happen to them. Why doesn't everyone in...
  11. lightningtap347

    News Disney World Cast Member unions to begin week of negotiations for wage increases, healthcare costs and more

    Did you spend even an iota of time looking over the numbers I posted or did you stare at the links like a child stares at peas? Institution tuition has wildly outpaced wages, and those who choose to go (even with scholarships) without a support system (rich parents) are sent into a predatory...
  12. lightningtap347

    News Disney World Cast Member unions to begin week of negotiations for wage increases, healthcare costs and more

    It doesn't matter where you go, you're still paying far more now than in your time so you can tell your friend that your point is still ice cold.
  13. lightningtap347

    News Disney World Cast Member unions to begin week of negotiations for wage increases, healthcare costs and more

    Your student loans were like $20/semester and you could afford a home. My grandfather could afford a home screwing on friggin' toothpaste tubes. I'm so tired of these ice cold takes from dinosaurs who have "got theirs" and have no experience being a recent grad entering the workforce. Society...
  14. lightningtap347

    New Roundup Rodeo BBQ sit-down restaurant coming to TSL

    I cannot believe this took this long. It looks like you're eating in the mania queue.
  15. lightningtap347

    News Tron coaster coming to the Magic Kingdom

    Yeah I would say give it a shot and form your own opinion. The ride is obviously safe so you shouldn't worry about re-aggravating an injury on it.
  16. lightningtap347

    News Tron coaster coming to the Magic Kingdom

    Rode today for cast preview, really disappointed. The ride was short, forceless, and uncomfortable. It also seems like an operational nightmare. Every single train in front of me had at least one person have to leave the train due to size/dimension. They didn't even look particularly heavy...
  17. lightningtap347

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure - latest details and construction progress

    Ohh my bad, I didn't see the bottom! It makes sense though. The property provides far more future value than Brother Bear, so its initial box office performance had no bearing on the decision.
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