When it's a money maker. Like a new restaurant, shop, or hotel; Disney sure makes them pop up fast. Then attractions take 3-6 years to come to fully develop. As everyone knows, they only care about the bottom dollar now-a-days.
I can't believe there is still any hype around this. Universal has built two, better "coasters" since this was announced. Disney has really dropped the ball.
My family and I would sometimes simply not park hop for the simple reason we'd have to go through bagcheck again. So anything to speed up that process is great. Hopefully this technology/units will work.
I went at the end of last month on a Tuesday. The party was more busy than an average day at the MK. Not worth it unless you want to see the parade and fireworks IMO. It will be awhile until we do another party.
I feel as if Splitsvile can stay afloat at DTD, This NBA Experience shouldn't have a problem either. The NBA (basketball), is much like Soccer, has a global appeal.