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  1. jaxonp

    News D23 Expo 2022

    Lol that was fo That was for Shanghai not Tokyo
  2. jaxonp

    News D23 Expo 2022

    Well nobody can… China is closed for the foreseeable future….. more tone def Disney moments
  3. jaxonp

    News D23 Expo 2022

    Or C-Span
  4. jaxonp

    News D23 Expo 2022

    Iger would have done better.
  5. jaxonp

    News D23 Expo 2022

    Tron spring 23? How is Disney this messy. Good lord
  6. jaxonp

    News D23 Expo 2022

    Another meet and greet?
  7. jaxonp

    News D23 Expo 2022

    They’re going to kill off d23 with this presentation lol
  8. jaxonp

    News D23 Expo 2022

    How can Disney be this tone deaf 😂
  9. jaxonp

    News D23 Expo 2022

    They handled the half 4 times a year before lol
  10. jaxonp

    News D23 Expo 2022

    If I were Uni, I’d double down now and go even harder in Orlando. Disney is leaving the door wide open.
  11. jaxonp

    News D23 Expo 2022

    Universal is giggling rn
  12. jaxonp

    News D23 Expo 2022

    In and Out would have been worth cheering but Porto’s…. Meh
  13. jaxonp

    News D23 Expo 2022

    Run Disney is returning to DL!!!
  14. jaxonp

    News D23 Expo 2022

    This is a bigger mess than I imagined so far
  15. jaxonp

    News D23 Expo 2022

    When did character meet and greets become announcements at these events?
  16. jaxonp

    News D23 Expo 2022

    What the is happening
  17. jaxonp

    News D23 Expo 2022

    HEA coming back?
  18. jaxonp

    News D23 Expo 2022

    I’ve been saying that should incorporate the two for years now.
  19. jaxonp

    News D23 Expo 2022

    Biggest loss since Baxter.
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