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  1. krisri18

    Trip Report "Oh boy...It's good to be home*..."

    Here and ready for adventure!
  2. krisri18

    Trip Report Mask up for the August Alternate 2020 Trip

    ❤️ that Pooh photo!
  3. krisri18

    Trip Report The (second) ONE with enhanced cleaning and (a little less) Physical Distancing. Sept 2020

    Love following along on your adventures! Saw this today and thought of you!
  4. krisri18

    Trip Report Shrouded In A Daft Disguise *COMPLETED*

    I think the clasped hand effect only works if the photographer had instructed you to act like the balloons were pulling you up into the air on tippy toes and Woody was supposed to be holding you down on the ground, otherwise 🤷
  5. krisri18

    Trip Report 2 Broke Guys & A Dog get Ft Wilderness Cabin Fever (but not COVID-19!)

    Here and ready for the next installment!
  6. krisri18

    Trip Report Shrouded In A Daft Disguise *COMPLETED*

    Thinking of you @Tuvalu ! Not quite as good as the black cherry, but definitely more autumnal!
  7. krisri18

    Trip Report The (second) ONE with enhanced cleaning and (a little less) Physical Distancing. Sept 2020

    I'm 3 pages behind but totally along for the ride! (As long as Phoebe's not driving)
  8. krisri18

    Trip Report Clappy Clap.....Welcome Back!! The Many "World Firsts" TR

    I didn't even know spelling Patty/Patti with an "ie" was an option!
  9. krisri18

    Trip Report *Completed* You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home - September 2020

    I couldn't even tell you when our local store closed, but I don't think I could even drive at the time so easily 20+ years. I think there might be one in Connecticut still open? But I'm not driving halfway across New England for it. Lol
  10. krisri18

    Trip Report Mask up for the August Alternate 2020 Trip

    I believe that's called looking pensive 😉
  11. krisri18

    Trip Report Insurance companies hate me for this one simple trick!

    Two days behind, but here for the most likely not-to-be-finished white t-shirt fashion show and beer festival report!
  12. krisri18

    Trip Report Clappy Clap.....Welcome Back!! The Many "World Firsts" TR

    And a clappy clap to you too! So happy you're back!!!
  13. krisri18


    New @Darstarr report?!? This calls for a happy dance!
  14. krisri18

    Trip Report Mask up for the August Alternate 2020 Trip

    Present and accounted for!!!
  15. krisri18

    Trip Report Tales From the Two Goofs Vault

    Congratulations @Loco_driver ! That's fantastic news!
  16. krisri18

    Trip Report Shrouded In A Daft Disguise *COMPLETED*

    No window peeking?! Gaston's chair shall now be the Schrodinger's cat of the Magic Kingdom.
  17. krisri18

    Trip Report Shrouded In A Daft Disguise *COMPLETED*

    I am incredibly late to this trip report and for that...
  18. krisri18

    Trip Report Making Lemonade out of Lemons Fractal Family Trip Report - Completed

    Super late to the party, but I'm ready so...
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