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  1. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    1pm drop lasted for 4.872 secs. Monday 1pm Drop Average: 14m -> 13m (-1m) Up to BG 28 called at 1pm, 40 less than yesterday.
  2. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    7am drop lasted for 8.235 secs. Monday 7am Drop Average: 7m -> 7m (+0) BG's 1-10 called at 10:56am as part of the initial wave.
  3. gerarar

    News Big changes coming to EPCOT's Future World?

    New dedication plaque has been installed at the park entrance. Source and more pics:
  4. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    1pm drop lasted for 21.857 secs. Sunday 1pm Drop Average: 1hr 23m -> 1hr 23m (+0) Up to BG 67 called at 1pm, 1 more than yesterday.
  5. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    Final Day 155 Stats (11/24): 7am: 968.9 secs, or ~16 mins 1pm: 55.9 secs* *the morning 7am drop lasted longer than afternoon 1pm drop BG 120 (-30) is the last BG called for the day at 5pm (MVMCP tonight 🎄). Notable stoppages: 9:46 - 10:12am Average pace: 5mins/BG VQ Drop Mean/Average: 7am...
  6. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    1pm drop lasted for 55.854 secs. Sunday 1pm Drop Average: 47m -> 45m (-2m) Up to BG 68 called at 1pm, 36 more than yesterday.
  7. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    7am drop lasted for 60.570 secs. Sunday 7am Drop Average: 26.6s -> 26.9s (+0.3s) BG's 1-14 called at 8:42am as part of the initial wave.
  8. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    7am drop closed at 7:16am, lasting for 968.921 secs, or ~16 mins. Sunday 7am Drop Average: 6m -> 7m (+1m) BG's 1-11 called at 8am as part of the initial wave.
  9. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    Final Day 910 Stats (11/23): 7am: 11.1 secs 1pm: 11.8 secs BG 152 (-8) is the last BG called for the day at 8:15pm. Notable stoppages: 11:40 - 12:00pm 4:27 - 4:50pm Average pace: 5mins/BG VQ Drop Mean/Average: 7am: 9.6s -> 9.6m (+0) 1pm: 51m -> 51m (+0) That does it for Day 910 of GotG: CR!
  10. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    1pm drop lasted for 11.811 secs. Saturday 1pm Drop Average: 51m -> 51m (+0) Up to BG 66 called at 1pm, 14 less than yesterday.
  11. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    7am drop lasted for 11.107 secs. Saturday 7am Drop Average: 9.6s -> 9.6s (+0) BG's 1-14 called at 8:41am as part of the initial wave.
  12. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    Final Day 154 Stats (11/23): 7am: 401.6 secs, or ~7 mins 1pm: 3762.4 secs, or ~1 hour 3 mins BG 155 (+50) is the last BG called for the day at 10pm. Notable stoppages: 8:00 - 9:34am 10:36 - 12:54pm Average pace: 5mins/BG VQ Drop Mean/Average: 7am: 22.4s -> 39.7s (+17.3s) 1pm: 39m -> 40m...
  13. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    1pm drop closed at 2:03pm, lasting for 3762.420 secs, or ~1 hour 3 mins. Saturday 1pm Drop Average: 39m -> 40m (+1m) Up to BG 32 called at 1pm, 15 less than yesterday.
  14. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    7am drop closed at 7:07am, lasting for 401.645 secs, or ~7 mins. Saturday 7am Drop Average: 22.4s -> 39.7s (+17.3s) BG's 1-13 called at 9:34am as part of the initial wave.
  15. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    Final Day 909 Stats (11/22): 7am: 1449.2 secs, or ~24 mins 1pm: 9907.7 secs, or ~2 hours 45 mins BG 160 (-3) is the last BG called for the day at 8pm. Notable stoppages: 5:50 - 6:55pm Average pace: 5mins/BG VQ Drop Mean/Average: 7am: 58.5s -> 1m (+10.6s) 1pm: 1hr 0m -> 1hr 1m (+1m) That...
  16. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    1pm drop lasted for 9907.655 secs, or ~2 hours 45 mins. Friday 1pm Drop Average: 1hr 0m -> 1hr 1m (+1m) Up to BG 80 called at 1pm, 4 more than yesterday.
  17. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    7am drop lasted for 1449.236 secs, or ~24 mins. Friday 7am Drop Average: 58.5s -> 1m (+10.6s) BG's 1-16 called at 8:41am as part of the initial wave.
  18. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    Final Day 153 Stats (11/22): 7am: 11545.4 secs, or ~3 hours 12 mins 1pm: 3943.1 secs, or ~1 hour 6 mins* *the morning 7am drop lasted longer than afternoon 1pm drop BG 105 (+5) is the last BG called for the day at 5pm (MVMCP tonight 🎄). Notable stoppages: 8:00 - 9:00am 9:52 - 12:02pm Average...
  19. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    1pm drop closed at 2:06pm, lasting for 3943.088 secs, or ~1 hour 6 mins. Friday 1pm Drop Average: 7m -> 10m (+3m) Up to BG 47 called at 1pm, 3 less than yesterday.
  20. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    7am drop closed at 10:12am, lasting for 11545.394 secs, or ~3 hours 12 mins. Friday 7am Drop Average: 10m -> 18m (+8m) BG's 1-14 called at 9am as part of the initial wave.
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