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  1. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    7am drop closed at 9:11am, lasting for 7855.878 secs, or ~2 hours 11 mins. Tuesday 7am Drop Average: 20m -> 25m (+5m) BG's 1-9 called at 7:59am as part of the initial wave.
  2. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    My guess is one of the hydraulic track switches at the load/unload is broken, so they can only run one side and at half capacity/trains. I'm gonna be down there in like two weeks with a bunch of first timers, so hope this issue is fixed soon..
  3. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    1pm drop lasted for 6.842 secs. Tuesday 1pm Drop Average: 2hr 27m -> 2hr 25m (-2m) Up to BG 40 called at 1pm, 29 more than yesterday.
  4. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    7am drop lasted for 289.499 secs, or ~5 mins. Tuesday 7am Drop Average: 17m -> 17m (+0) BG's 1-12 called at 8:41am as part of the initial wave.
  5. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    Final Day 919 Stats (12/2): 7am: 11.4 secs 1pm: 2.0 secs* 6pm: 3.6 secs *the morning 7am drop lasted longer than afternoon 1pm drop BG 29 (-96) is the last BG called during regular park hours at 8pm. For EEH, resumed at 9:25pm with BG's 110-115 with BG 130 as the last BG called for the day at...
  6. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    Final Day 163 Stats (12/2): 7am: 84.4 secs 1pm: 7921.6 secs, or ~2 hours 12 mins BG 165 (+65) is the last BG called for the day at 9:32pm. Notable stoppages: 9:00 - 10:26am 9:32 - 10:00pm Average pace: 5mins/BG VQ Drop Mean/Average: 7am: 7m -> 7m (+0) 1pm: 13m -> 18m (+5m) That does it for...
  7. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    6pm drop lasted for 3.640 secs. Monday 6pm Drop Average: 18m -> 18m (+0) Up to BG 25 called at 6pm, 82 less than yesterday.
  8. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    You got a BG for Wednesday? That's interesting. Never thought it was possible. What does it show in the app, if it does yet? Or is it like a multi-experience LL.
  9. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    1pm drop lasted for 2.006 secs. Monday 1pm Drop Average: 50m -> 50m (+0) Up to BG 11 called at 1pm, 58 less than yesterday.
  10. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    7am drop lasted for 11.362 secs. Monday 7am Drop Average: 34.2s -> 34.0s (-0.2s) BG's 1-10 called at 12:53pm as part of the initial wave.
  11. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    1pm drop closed at 3:12pm, lasting for 7921.578 secs, or ~2 hours 12 mins. Monday 1pm Drop Average: 13m -> 18m (+5m) Up to BG 43 called at 1pm, 34 less than yesterday.
  12. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    7am drop lasted for 84.356 secs. Monday 7am Drop Average: 7m -> 7m (+0) BG's 1-11 called at 10:26am as part of the initial wave.
  13. gerarar

    Dinosaur has seen better days

    The 2nd carnotaurus AA has always been moving in the past couple months. What's been "broken" is the track it's on. Usually the AA starts much further back, hidden from view, then chases your vehicle as you escape, moving along its track. I was there in October and it was indeed in B-mode. The...
  14. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    It reopened at 8:02pm last night and finished around 8:45pm. And yup, looks like it's having issues this morning so far.
  15. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    Final Day 918 Stats (12/1): 7am: 16.1 secs 1pm: 1930.0 secs, or ~32 mins BG 125 (-10) is the last BG called for the day at 8:45pm. Notable stoppages: 1:41 - 3:04pm 4:57 - 6:02pm 6:22 - 6:42pm 6:42 - 7:02pm 7:02 - 7:22pm 7:22 - 7:42pm 7:42 - 8:02pm Average pace: 5mins/BG VQ Drop...
  16. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    1pm drop lasted for 1930.028 secs, or ~32 mins. Sunday 1pm Drop Average: 1hr 23m -> 1hr 22m (-1m) Up to BG 69 called at 1pm, 13 more than yesterday.
  17. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    7am drop lasted for 16.049 secs. Sunday 7am Drop Average: 26.9s -> 26.8s (-0.1s) BG's 1-14 called at 8:40am as part of the initial wave.
  18. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    Final Day 162 Stats (12/1): 7am: 3512.5 secs secs, or ~59 mins 1pm: 9.5 secs* *the morning 7am drop lasted longer than afternoon 1pm drop BG 100 (-25) is the last BG called for the day at 5pm (MVMCP tonight 🎄). Notable stoppages: 12:30 - 2:54pm Average pace: 5mins/BG VQ Drop Mean/Average...
  19. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    1pm drop lasted for 9.483 secs. Sunday 1pm Drop Average: 45m -> 43m (-2m) Up to BG 77 called at 1pm, 47 more than yesterday.
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