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  1. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    Final Day 908 Stats (11/21): 7am: 56.5 secs 1pm: 5547.3 secs, or ~1 hour 32 mins BG 163 (-12) is the last BG called for the day at 8pm. Notable stoppages: None Average pace: 5mins/BG VQ Drop Mean/Average: 7am: 4m -> 4m (+0) 1pm: 1hr 41m -> 1hr 40m (-1m) That does it for Day 908 of GotG: CR!
  2. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    1pm drop lasted for 5547.315 secs, or ~1 hour 32 mins. Thursday 1pm Drop Average: 1hr 41m -> 1hr 40m (-1m) Up to BG 76 called at 1pm, 2 more than yesterday.
  3. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    7am drop lasted for 56.472 secs. Thursday 7am Drop Average: 4m -> 4m (+0) BG's 1-16 called at 8:41am as part of the initial wave.
  4. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    Final Day 152 Stats (11/21): 7am: 2459.5 secs, or ~41 mins 1pm: 1552.2 secs, or ~26 mins* *the morning 7am drop lasted longer than afternoon 1pm drop BG 100 (-60) is the last BG called for the day at 4:45pm (MVMCP tonight 🎄). Notable stoppages: 9:00 - 9:50am 11:25 - 11:58am 4:45 - 5:00pm...
  5. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    1pm drop closed at 1:26pm, lasting for 1552.159 secs, or ~26 mins. Thursday 1pm Drop Average: 13m -> 14m (+1m) Up to BG 50 called at 1pm, 11 less than yesterday.
  6. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    7am drop closed at 7:41am, lasting for 2459.446 secs, or ~41 mins. Thursday 7am Drop Average: 22m -> 23m (+1m) BG's 1-14 called at 9:50am as part of the initial wave.
  7. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    Final Day 151 Stats (11/20): 7am: 649.4 secs, or ~11 mins 1pm: 15938.6 secs, or ~4 hours 26 mins BG 160 (+60) is the last BG called for the day at 9pm. Notable stoppages: None Average pace: 5mins/BG VQ Drop Mean/Average: 7am: 18m -> 17m (-1m) 1pm: 37m -> 48m (+11m) That does it for Day 151...
  8. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    Final Day 907 Stats (11/20): 7am: 2111.8 secs, or ~35 mins 1pm: 25177.0 secs, or ~7 hours 0 mins BG 175 (+5) is the last BG called for the day at 8pm. Notable stoppages: None Average pace: 5mins/BG VQ Drop Mean/Average: 7am: 12m -> 12m (+0) 1pm: 2hr 50m -> 2hr 52m (+2m) That does it for...
  9. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    1pm drop lasted for the entire park day, closing at 8pm, lasting for 25177.002 secs, or ~7 hours 0 mins. Wednesday 1pm Drop Average: 2hr 50m -> 2hr 52m (+2m) Up to BG 74 called at 1pm, 4 less than yesterday.
  10. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    7am drop lasted for 2111.831 secs, or ~35 mins. Wednesday 7am Drop Average: 12m -> 12m (+0) BG's 1-16 called at 8:49am as part of the initial wave.
  11. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    1pm drop closed at 5:26pm, lasting for 15938.547 secs, or ~4 hours 26 mins. Wednesday 1pm Drop Average: 37m -> 48m (+11m) Up to BG 61 called at 1pm, 31 more than yesterday.
  12. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    7am drop closed at 7:11am, lasting for 649.402 secs, or ~11 mins. Wednesday 7am Drop Average: 18m -> 17m (-1m) BG's 1-15 called at 8:55am as part of the initial wave.
  13. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    Final Day 906 Stats (11/19): 7am: 662.9 secs, or ~11 mins 1pm: 17038.0 secs, or ~4 hours 44 mins BG 170 (+15) is the last BG called for the day at 8pm. Notable stoppages: None Average pace: 5mins/BG VQ Drop Mean/Average: 7am: 18m -> 18m (+0) 1pm: 2hr 27m -> 2hr 28m (+1m) That does it for...
  14. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    1pm drop lasted for 17037.995 secs, or ~4 hours 44 mins. Tuesday 1pm Drop Average: 2hr 27m -> 2hr 28m (+1m) Up to BG 78 called at 1pm, 7 more than yesterday.
  15. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    7am drop lasted for 662.928 secs, or ~11 mins. Tuesday 7am Drop Average: 18m -> 18m (+0) BG's 1-16 called at 9:01am as part of the initial wave.
  16. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    Final Day 150 Stats (11/19): 7am: 1292.3 secs, or ~22 mins 1pm: 3.0 secs* *the morning 7am drop lasted longer than afternoon 1pm drop BG 80 (-45) is the last BG called for the day at 4:45pm (MVMCP tonight 🎄). Notable stoppages: 9:00 - 11:15am 4:45 - 5:00pm Average pace: 5mins/BG VQ Drop...
  17. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    1pm drop lasted for 3.022 secs. Tuesday 1pm Drop Average: 17m -> 16m (-1m) Up to BG 30 called at 1pm, 29 less than yesterday.
  18. gerarar

    News Tiana's Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Lighting Lane status

    7am drop closed at 7:22am, lasting for 1292.313 secs, or ~22 mins. Tuesday 7am Drop Average: 21m -> 21m (+0) BG's 1-8 called at 11:15am as part of the initial wave.
  19. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    Final Day 905 Stats (11/18): 7am: 6.8 secs 1pm: 269.9 secs, or ~4 mins 6pm: 5375.7 secs, or ~1 hour 30 mins BG 155 (+0) is the last BG called during regular park hours at 8:19pm. For EEH, resumed at 8:51pm with BG's 164-170 with BG 200 as the last BG called for the day at 10pm. Notable...
  20. gerarar

    News Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane status

    6pm drop lasted for 5375.705 secs, or ~1 hour 30 mins. Monday 6pm Drop Average: 18m -> 18m (+0) Up to BG 124 called at 6pm, 5 less than yesterday.
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