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  1. morphi

    Bob Chapek's response to Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' bill

    You'd have to ask each individual legislator why they voted against any amendment. The analysis of their answer would have to include the text of the amendment (and how that amendment affected the rest of the bill). If a legislator rejected replacing the text "sexual orientation" in paragraph...
  2. morphi

    Bob Chapek's response to Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' bill

    I was speaking of ontological status of an orientation [edit], not of abnormality of a person. (But I made that point after mis-understanding your prior point. So it might be moot.) I'm fine with rejecting the term Traditionalists. (Though I was using that term thinking more of traditional...
  3. morphi

    Bob Chapek's response to Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' bill

    Not all disparate impact is caused by discrimination.
  4. morphi

    Bob Chapek's response to Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' bill

    I may have misunderstood your previous point. Upon re-reading it, it seems like you are saying that some people hold that "sexual orientation" = "homosexuality"?! I find that very hard to believe. Does that mean that some think that "gender identity" = "transgender" too?! No person...
  5. morphi

    Bob Chapek's response to Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' bill

    I think we have arrived at the real CRUX of the issue here--aside from text, intent, lawsuits, etc. There is a deep divide between two (to keep things simple) powerful groups in America. For simplicity I will refer to themas Traditionalists and Progressives. This law has sprung out of the...
  6. morphi

    Bob Chapek's response to Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' bill

    Perhaps you had in mind some laws intended to keep former slaves from voting (e.g., literacy tests). Yes, that requirement looks neutral to some even though its intention and effect was not. But see my previous reply to ParkPeeker. The literacy test laws (and other similar laws) were...
  7. morphi

    Bob Chapek's response to Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' bill

    No analogy is perfect of course. I don't think yours was well thought-through as it misses a key distinction (a distinction that I made several pages back). In your analogy not everyone sleeps outside and not everyone sleeps inside. So barring something that only SOME people do can be...
  8. morphi

    Bob Chapek's response to Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' bill

    You are conflating a neutral object being used by only one side in a dispute to attack the other side with the object itself being discriminatory. If two professional wrestlers both have access to folding chairs to hit their opponents with and only one wrestler uses them, the chairs are not...
  9. morphi

    Bob Chapek's response to Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' bill

    I am not positing "gay revenge". It would simply be a tactic to show the absurdity of a particular application of the law--and a means to achieve their interest.
  10. morphi

    Bob Chapek's response to Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' bill

    Been away all day. I've mostly said what I have to say. I've spoken a lot about the priority of the text of any bill/law. Others contend that this particular bill is discriminatory and was crafted in such a way as to effectually discriminate against the LGBTQ community in some way (e.g...
  11. morphi

    Bob Chapek's response to Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' bill

    While I reject most (if not all) claims of a wide-ranging conspiracy, the point is that the (supposed) conspiracy would only stand a chance if people (including judges) reject the meaning of the text. The text controls. Some solace: It seems reasonable to think that you would hold that...
  12. morphi

    Bob Chapek's response to Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' bill

    This reality cuts both ways on both sides of the argument. Laws must still be passed despite not knowing what every single judge in the system will do with it.
  13. morphi

    Bob Chapek's response to Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' bill

    Not at all. I am not impressed with my ability to comprehend simple, straight-forward english. It's a pretty basic task. I simply believe that the text of a law is THE MOST IMPORTANT thing about it. It is the most important means of understanding what it means, what it intends, and how it...
  14. morphi

    Bob Chapek's response to Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' bill

    [Second time writing this reply. The original never posted.] Same types of questions can be posed for any piece of law. Consider the First Amendment: Can a state, as opposed to the federal government, make a law respecting an establishment of religion? Can a government opt to not charge a...
  15. morphi

    Bob Chapek's response to Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' bill

    I wish this were true, but I do not think it is. I've seen it happen too many times.
  16. morphi

    Bob Chapek's response to Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' bill

    My first paragraphs were not "cutesy" in any way. You brought up the challenges of legal interpretation (especially regarding the constitution). I agreed and expanded the discussion a bit. My comments were sincere and trying to establish common ground where possible. That you took them as...
  17. morphi

    Bob Chapek's response to Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' bill

    In a world of limited resources, this would require the expenditure of resources (primarily time). I would be willing to expend those resources if I thought this were genuinely doubted. It is not. This is not to say that I do not know if this is happening in the United States. I have memory...
  18. morphi

    Bob Chapek's response to Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' bill

    I am very aware of the complexities of coming to understand what any form of communication (text, spoken word, movements, etc.) "means". Effective communication (where your intended meaning is accurately conveyed to another person) is difficult. Biblical interpretation (hermeneutics) is...
  19. morphi

    Bob Chapek's response to Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' bill

    We do it all the time. Regulations pertaining to climate change anyone? And the use of the word "afraid" is meant to denigrate--making some appear to be overly fear-based and relying on their reptile brain only. I would agree that it is legitimate to pass legislation if your have reasonable...
  20. morphi

    Bob Chapek's response to Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' bill

    Am I wrong about (1) the bill not being complex or using arcane language? If so, please demonstrate using the text itself to show the complexity or the arcane language. or, (2) I am able to understand the bill? Please demonstrate how I misunderstand the bill using the text of the bill.
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