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  1. F

    questiion about extending CP

    does anyone know if you get new perks- park tickets, etc, when you extend on the College PRogram? My dau extended-but so far is having a terrible time! Housing problems, roommate problem, stressed at new job she wasn't asked about, etc. She had an awful time moving from one apt. to the other...
  2. F

    Disney Love

    Could you go before June/July and look up my daughter,PLEASE!!!! She's a CP. Ha!!! I'd love her to meet someone nice!!!
  3. F

    College Program

    Gee, Vacation Planner must be just a fancy name for Ticket seller! I thought she was getting into something more interesting. Oh! Well! that's for her to do with it what she will. Thanks for the info!
  4. F

    College Program

    My Daughter did the College PRogram 2 yrs ago. Then went back and did it again in August. She was due to come home today, but put in for an extension, and will now be there until May. She loved the people she met. She worked in QSFB, first at All Star Sports food court. She just finished at...
  5. F

    Hope this is the right place to post this

    Thank you all for your welcome messages!!! My daughter was doing QSFB, at Peco's. Now she is training for VP. Does anyone know what Vacation Planner involves?
  6. F

    Hope this is the right place to post this

    Just wanted to say hello! I just registered today!! Have been "peeking in" for several months, and must say-this is the BEST site I have found in a long time!!!! My daughter is in the College PRogram -she just extended until MAy!! WE we down in November, and before we went , I checked this site...
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