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  1. L

    I didn't expect...(share your experiences here)

    Thanks much, Raven66 - it was just...I dunno, weird! The five kids all kind of looked at one another and remained quiet. DH and I were quite :confused: over their reaction. They're getting excited now but we truly expected them to go bananas and it was more "meh". Erin, that certainly was a...
  2. L

    I didn't expect...(share your experiences here)

    Wow, what great stories already. And yes, I'm already choked up. Here are things I didn't expect, so far: ~ I didn't expect DH to agree to a WDW trip, let alone be excited about it. The man is a hermit who hates to go anywhere. I'm not sure who this guy is and what he did with my real DH, but...
  3. L

    Free Water!!!

    LOL, so true! I laughed the first time someone asked me, "What flavor Coke do you want?" When I answered, "Um, regular?", the person laughed and explained he meant did I want Coke, Pepsi, Sun Drop, or something else. ;)
  4. L

    Aloha, y'all!

    So, I've just joined these forums, having escaped the clutches of another Disney forum. I'm a long-time Disney fan, having gone to Disneyland lots of times as a kid, and WDW several times as an adult. Well, now I've got five kids and will be going back to WDW with kids for the first time ever. I...
  5. L

    I didn't expect...(share your experiences here)

    Hi everyone, new WDWMagic user here (escapee from another Disney forum). I thought I'd dive right in with a question / poll for y'all. Hope you don't mind and that you'll share your thoughts. :) Inspired by all the other lists out there, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share...
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