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  1. Share_The_Magic

    Fantasy Land Question???

    Yes, they do that as a safety precataution before the fireworks. I was actually standing in Fantasyland once while it was "raining". It was pretty cool actually :lol:
  2. Share_The_Magic

    What is the longest you've been stuck on a ride in WDW?

    The longest that I have ever been stuck was about 35 minutes on HM. At first, it was just a normal stop that happens every one in awhile. but then, someone tried to get out of their doom buggy. don't ask me why, I actually have no idea why somone would be stupid enough to do that, but I digress...
  3. Share_The_Magic

    Odd Things Overheard

    Well this one time, we were on the tram to Magic Kingdom, and we were sitting in the row right behind the row that has two benches facing each other. There were two families there, one of them was there for the first time, and the other family were "experts". Well the newbie family asked about...
  4. Share_The_Magic

    WDWMAGIC 10 Year Anniversary guest book

    Congrats on 10 years!!! =D
  5. Share_The_Magic

    Not-Worth-It Attractions

    The only attractions that my group usually bypasses are: -Tomorrowland Speedway -The back lot tour -The tea cups and -the Winnie the Pooh ride But I think that all attractions are worth at least trying. :)
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