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  1. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    People did not hate the park. Disney overbuilt hotels which cast a financial burden over the entire resort. This gave EURO Disney a black eye and the perception that the park was disliked. People didn't go because they didn't like it...they didn't go because it was cold and wet. In my opinion...
  2. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    You consider Home on the Range a western? Just kidding. That is my least favorite animated feature. It is painful.
  3. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    If they are going to continue to "remake" animated films into live action I would like to request The Black Cauldron and Atlantis. Treasure Planet might not be that bad either. Instead we will probably get Home on the Range.
  4. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Ok, believe what you want. lol I guess they are paying GMs to sit there and look pretty. Is that how they did it when you worked there? They still have to account for the discounts.
  5. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    You cannot put quick service and full service restaurants on the same playing field and treat them equally. Right! So if you report them as "menu price" why would one restaurant take a bigger hit than another? By spreading out the higher priced choices it lessens the impact at one location...
  6. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    In order for the DDP to work at all of the restaurants you have to look at all of the offerings at each restaurant. The steak may not have fit in the blanket pricing to justify the DDP at 50's PT but it does work at Sci Fi. Changes had to be made at numerous restaurants to make it more of an...
  7. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    If they stopped selling Butterbeer within the WWoHP and only sold it exclusively at Marvel Super Hero Island wouldn't that change your dining experience? No a NY strip is not a unique food item as Butterbeer (even though I could argue that) but food is very much integrated into your dining...
  8. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    If he switches are remaining (which they are) then the boats have to remain the same size. The amount of people you could add to each boat, to replace the "decorative" elements, would be minimal.
  9. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    What makes one a "Disney Twitter Celebrity?" "Co-host of the (Hidden...why give a link for free links?) podcast. Disney Twitter Celebrity. Fat guy making poor eating choices on select dates in Disney World. I like warm hugs."
  10. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    That site is incorrect. I still have an old training manual somewhere. I sill see what the SOP stated but I know it was 1800+ when I worked there. I cannot speak for Test Track but my guess is 1100- is a bit low. I could be wrong about that one.
  11. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    2000 is tough. Of course when I was there it was before they added the additional unload which I am sure helped the cause. To get 2000 you have to have the right team to the point load is assisting in unload and vice versa. Like I said I am sure it is a little easier now with the additional...
  12. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    It's a bit more than that.
  13. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Just many guests do you think the attractions you mentioned can put through in an hour?
  14. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    The problem is Disney is ok wth that. They no longer promote empowerment in training. They want robots that strictly do what they are told moving an object from point A to point B. If the solution to a problem requires any thought they shut down and go into program mode. They still rank higher...
  15. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Oh lol this was not my argument. Just showing the difference of the two. I was not suggesting my views of Tomorrowland.
  16. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    I had two and was not near WDW property.
  17. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    I agree. All I can say is two different people were singing in my theater. I know it was out of the norm but it happened. I don't think it is that far off from people dressing up in cosplay for a Star Wars opening. Even more obnoxious than people singing are people who quote lines from the...
  18. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Yes sorry. By upper management yes.
  19. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    I would not say "lackey." There are still good people working for the company that do a great job and are hard workers. As far as the "lackey" CMs out there? Can't blame long is Traditions now? A half hour? lol Training is a minimum when it comes to guest service satisfaction. I...
  20. Funmeister

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    On that note I am going to "ER" before I go 101 which may or may not include a protein spill requiring me to call an alpha unit. >sigh< Sad to say you are correct.
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