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  1. billybastion

    hurt at water park

    But...but...that's not how the Internet works!
  2. billybastion

    Frontierland Shootin' Arcade

    That's interesting! Thanks!
  3. billybastion

    Frontierland Shootin' Arcade

    Forgive my ignorance, but why?
  4. billybastion

    Wake Up Call Needs Changing?

    I completely agree that the Stitch wake up call is annoying. I don't want to be yelled at first thing in the morning...I have my wife for that (zing!). I remember when it used to be Mickey and he'd say something like "Everyone neat and pretty?" etc. Those were fantastic.
  5. billybastion

    hurt at water park

    This is the most I've ever read about water slides. I really can't believe I've read this whole thread. It's like a mystery slowly unraveling before our eyes. With every post a new clue is uncovered: Riders push themselves off! Lights! You can't stop yourself on the slide! The dad ran into...
  6. billybastion

    Great MK Railroad video

    My 16 month old is really into trains right now (and diggers, dozers, etc.) so of course I sought out a MK rail road video on youtube. We found a great one that he and I both love. He loves it for the sounds and head on train shots. I love it for some really...
  7. billybastion

    How your Park Preferences have Changed

    It's interesting how peoples attitudes towards AK have changed as time goes by.
  8. billybastion

    How your Park Preferences have Changed

    Then: MGM (because it WAS MGM then!) Epcot MK AK Now: AK (I'm sure there were many audible gasps around the internet when this was read lol) MK Epcot DHS
  9. billybastion

    WDW Photo of the Day Thread (Part 9)

    I know thats DisneyQuest on the right, but what is the mural on the building?
  10. billybastion

    Good Books to get me in the mood

    I second the Imagineering Field Guide. Great set of books. It was hard to make it through the DHS one though, just not all that interesting to me.
  11. billybastion

    Will they restore the Tike Room to its original glory?

    This one is specifically about the Tike Room. I haven't seen any others covering this.
  12. billybastion

    Life After Disney

    I recently visited the Smithsonian Museum of American Art and National Portrait Gallery and saw a work by artist Alexis Rockman that I thought would be of interest to everyone here: The first is called Disney World I and the second, Disney World II
  13. billybastion

    Guy Sings Disney Favorites...In Character.

    Pretty incredible stuff:
  14. billybastion

    Merchandise Watch '11: Turning the Corner on Unique Souvenirs?

    I agree with you here, but I think my problem with the argument for "should have left those rides standing and left them alone" is that it only looks at the past with rose colored glasses. Obviously those rides were not pulling in the attendance or ridership needed to sustain a park or to...
  15. billybastion

    My disney model!

    Please do, I'm interested to see it!
  16. billybastion

    Merchandise Watch '11: Turning the Corner on Unique Souvenirs?

    Has Disney stopped selling tickets to Epcot? While I appreciate nostalgia and did enjoy some of the things you mentioned in your post, Disney would have been foolish (and bankrupt) if they didn't replace/update/keep their parks fresh by constantly moving forward. The rides replaced/updated were...
  17. billybastion

    PHOTOS - New interactive Haunted Mansion queue opens for guest previews today

    This is one of the most internety arguments I've read in a long time. I'm really looking forward to a conclusion that will surely bring us a definitive answer as to who is wrong and who is right. That will happen right?
  18. billybastion

    Merchandise Watch '11: Turning the Corner on Unique Souvenirs?

    Don't give me Nick at Nite, give me black and white tv! Don't give me an ipod, give me a phonograph! Is it possible to be a theme park luddite?
  19. billybastion

    Merchandise Watch '11: Turning the Corner on Unique Souvenirs?

    It's interesting you should say that...A friend of mine just went to Disneyland; when I saw him recently he was wearing a vintage Mickey t-shirt; I complimented him on it and asked him if he got it on his trip; he said "No I got it for $20 at the Gap after we got back from our trip haha!"...
  20. billybastion

    PHOTOS - New interactive Haunted Mansion queue opens for guest previews today

    You are correct. Maybe next time I should use an emoticon so everyone knows I'm joking... Edit: This may have already been answered but I might have missed it: Is the non-interactive queue a shorter wait time? So if you don't care about the interactive queue after the second or third ride...
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