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  1. F

    Space Mountain

    From my source I heard that in a few years there is a possibility of Disney closing Space Mountain and completely re-doing the ride. It would be more like the one in Paris with inversions. Has anyone else heard this rumor or any other rumors concering Space Mountain? Thanks in advance........
  2. F


    I have heard that Spaceship Earth might be redone into a coaster called Time Racers. The plan is to close the ride in Feb. 2005 and reopen it in 2007 as a rollercoaster. Has anyone else heard of this plan or anyother plan involving the spaceship earth ride? Another rumor that I heard was that...
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    Unviersal Hollywood

    I think they already have a mummy type attraction which is actually a haunted house.
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    Unviersal Hollywood

    I had nowhere else to ask this question and I thought this was pretty apporpriate. I heard somewhere that Universal Hollywood was loooking at getting there own version of Spiderman. Can anyone confirm this? Also does anyone know of any new rides that might be coming into Universal Hollywood...
  5. F


    Hey guys I'm a new member and just wanted to ask a couple of questions. First off I have never been to Disneyland and was wondering what Matterhorn was like? Could anyone describe the ride and the track layout and what effects and happenings occur on the ride? Also could anyone show me...
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