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  1. Ansem

    Favourite Attraction Shop

    Hmm.....That's a bit tough, I suppose my favorite is probably Tower of Terror as well....I love having bath towels that are a bit on the spooky side! :lol:
  2. Ansem

    Wilderness Lodge renovations?

    I recently visited the wilderness lodge this past Halloween for the first time, and found it to be spectacular! The image of an actual geiser and river taking root in the middle of the lobby, I couldn't believe my eyes! I only had a few problems with the rooms, since we were booked for non...
  3. Ansem

    Info about future timekeeper attraction

    So much to take in! Monsters Inc, and the Incredibles? Even if Monsters Inc turns out to be a show, I'll be very happy. True, it doesn't fit much to form residing in Tommorrowland, but I always enjoy something a little different and entertaining while I take a break from miles of walking and...
  4. Ansem

    The Amazing Disney Race

    awsome idea!! If that were a real thing, I'd sign up in a heartbeat!!Kudo's for the sample "show" as well!!I love it! :king: -Ansem
  5. Ansem

    Annual tickets vs. hopper passes

    I'm planning a trip to WDW in may...(hooray!:lol: ) I'm so excited, but I want to make the best choices on everything.. I've been pondering on whether or not to purchase anuual tickets over the hopper passes. My family can get on base, so the discount for military does apply, and makes it very...
  6. Ansem

    My most recent trip to WDW

    Waahh....I'm so sad!! I miss WDW so badly!!I had the best time in the world, but no matter what I try I just can't forget it....(hmmmmm....maybe it's all the home videos and photos posted up all over my house) Nevertheless I miss it terribly, does anyone else out there feel my pain?:king:
  7. Ansem

    Should old rides be replaced?

    I don't think old rides should just be thrown out....there are just somethings that are wonderful as they are.Just the same, you can't keep things as they are now forever, or else people will lose interest.(not that most of us fans wouldn't stay faithful) I think Disney has always been...
  8. Ansem

    The best!

    Say you want to do something quiet and special for the person you're with in far as dining goes, which place is the best for a quiet evening dinner?As much as I love the bright, enthusiastic feeling set in WDW, I want the perfect nighttime retreat for a more personal conversation...
  9. Ansem


    I have just recently heard a rumor that KH2 is going to be in Squaresoft it true?I wonder what will happen to the Disney side of the game, if so... I love the idea of revisiting FF worlds again, but I don't see how the 2 games could fit together seamlessly. Well, Square never...
  10. Ansem

    ticket question

    ok, next friday I am going to be on my way to WDW...(yay!) but in planning the trip, I am curious to know what the tickets my mother purchased actually include. I know they are 5 day hopper passes, and that they are not the normal ones but are a plus or something..... they allow us to got to...
  11. Ansem


    Hello everyone, this message has not much to do with besides getting in touch with other Disney fans.It's difficult to find people who are avid Disney junkies, and part of the reason as to why I came to this place was to get in touch with other's like me. So I'm just saying hello, and...
  12. Ansem

    Kingdom Hearts

    I know that in the gaming community Kingdom hearts really nailed the mark,one of the most complete and satisfying games I have ever played.But i was surprised to find that many avid Disney fans weren't in touch with this wonderful game, and a little depressed at Disney's non-active approach to...
  13. Ansem

    the oldies are the best

    okay, I know there have been a great many new rides and shows that,in there amazing special effects and innovative themes, have brought us all to the edge of our seats and the verge of tears. But nothing I have seen in Disney has touched my heart with pure Disney magic, than 20000 leagues under...
  14. Ansem

    hotels in Downtown Disney

    First of all, I'd like to just say hello to everyone here! now then, I am going to be staying in the Best western near Downtown Disney, but as for staying out of Disney official hotels, I've had a very poor experience. I havent stayed here ever before,and they assured me that their...
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