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  1. normbalko

    The World vs. The Cruise Line

    Thanks for the help, but it sure doesn't look like anyone's helping my WDW only plan! The cruises are really that great? Please keep in mind that we will, at best, get to Florida for about a week every other year (We live in Michigan). Also, are the cruises usually crowded, and if so, are...
  2. normbalko

    The World vs. The Cruise Line

    I need help!!! Me and my wife took our first trip to WDW in Jan. 2003. It was my first trip there, her second. Anyways, as expected, I have been obsessed with the park and going back as soon as possible!! Our original plan was to go back in Jan. 2005 (only 11 months away!), but now my wife...
  3. normbalko

    Tower of Terror movie

    Has anyone seen the Tower of Terror movie, and if so, is it worth my time to watch it? Is the attraction featured in the movie at all? Was Steve Gutenberg robbed of an oscar nomination? I need to know!! Thank!!
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