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  1. W

    51 days and counting

    Excellent. Good for you. Hopefully time will fly, then slow down once you get there.
  2. W

    Fun last wk in Oct video

    w0ah. That was nice. Very cool gift for your family.
  3. W

    A LONG Birthday, Dining, and Pictures Trip Report 9/25-10/2

    :wave: My November resolution is to comment more on reports that I enjoy, and also provide help if / where needed. I've been reading reports here a long time, just don't normally comment on them. Keeps me motivated to move forward with trip planning. Take care. Matt
  4. W

    A LONG Birthday, Dining, and Pictures Trip Report 9/25-10/2

    Most excellent trip report. Great job tieing in the pics too. Thanks!
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