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  1. MickeyTraveler

    WDW Withdrawl!

    +1 on that. I also watch the videos we've taken on our trips as well as look through pictures taken in our albums.
  2. MickeyTraveler

    Le Cellier

    You bet! Enjoy it there, that is my favorite restaurant. ;)
  3. MickeyTraveler

    New to the Forums

    Thanks all! :cool:
  4. MickeyTraveler

    New to the Forums

    Hi folks, Just wanted to introduce myself, currently a student studying aviation and hoping to maybe get a job flying corporate jets for Disney. :) I absolutely love WDW and Disneyland, last trip was this April to FL and I hope to contribute here and give advice to those who need it so they can...
  5. MickeyTraveler

    Just booked our Trip!! Must Do's?

    Definetly plan on spending as much time at the parks as you can. That way you get to see the whole culture of WDW. Mini-golf is awesome. We did it for the first time this year and a friend of ours said we'd curse his name by the 2nd holel :lol:. It was so fun and we'd do it again. If you play...
  6. MickeyTraveler

    New to the Forums

    Wrong section, reposted in right area.
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