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  1. M

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    HA. As long as the stalls having sliding doors & when it opens Vader is standing there & Billy Dee Williams is all, "Sorry, he arrived just before you did."
  2. M

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Agreed. I wouldn't want to see all of it either, I was just throwing out a list of possibilities. As a fan, I would love to just walk around SW themed areas; and for me sitting down into an amazing Cantina that looks right out of the movie to eat a QS lunch would be enough. But we have to...
  3. M

    A Spirited Perfect Ten

    Long time listener, first time caller here. Admittedly I am a huge SW fan, so I will be in line to open DHS (or whatever it's going to be called by then), as soon as any SW expansion is added to the park. Whatever it may be. And I guess I agree with the "SW is all landscapes, not places"...
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