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  1. FuzzyPicklePal

    Redo dinoland

    This is a little offensive. Some of us have no option other to live in a trailer park. Where I live we-the owner of the land is the sole landlord-and we put together a covenant that requires standards for cleanliness and upkeep. He made that a part of every new rental contract. Sort of an...
  2. FuzzyPicklePal

    Regis Philbin, host of Regis & Kathie Lee and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, dies at 88

    I have a diabetic cat that I named Regis. I hope he isn't next to go.
  3. FuzzyPicklePal

    I'm New

    Hello, Besides WDW my favorite things are cats, books, condensed chicken noodle soup (no water added), Rick & Morty, and strawberry wine. At WDW my favorite ride it Buzz Lightyear in MK. My least favorite ride is Rocking Roller Coaster-it's just themed wrong for HS. I wish they would change...
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