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  1. cknight66

    MGM to open park in Pusan?

    Please check out this article from the Korean Times. They should really get their facts straight,lol. "MGM is one of the world's seven major movie companies. It produces various genres of movies and television soap operas for world distribution. It also operates theme parks, including...
  2. cknight66

    EE Update Feature

    Everest I am from LA and during a tour yesterday I saw Everest for the first time. Before, I had only seen it in pictures, but I was impressed by the size and themeing. I was surprised at how "unfinished" the backside of the attraction first appears as you approach the AK parking lot...
  3. cknight66

    Clues to the Disney's New Fifth Park?

    No new park before 2010 The article was a cool read, but the area in that article isn't for theme park development. Although Disney has already outlined where it will build its 5th park (and possibly a 6th and 7th), they are committed to increasing the density of the current developments on...
  4. cknight66

    Disney Channel Rumor at Disney-MGM Studios

    That's a great idea! However, my hope is that they could somehow leverage the power of ABC to create a show. Imagine being cast in a scene from "Lost" or "Desperate Housewives"? The only problem is that these days in Hollywood it is almost impossible to negotiate legals rights to these types...
  5. cknight66

    Sci-Fi Channel at MGM

    I agree. I think it would have been a boost for TV/ Film production in Orlando as well. I'm not sure if anything is being done there at all right now. What was the last production to film at MGM? Do you they still have stages?
  6. cknight66

    Sci-Fi Channel at MGM

    I worked at MGM a number of years ago and remember The Sci-Fi Channel moving into Stage 2 and even setting up offices on the backlot. A little while later I moved to California for school and never heard or read why the network decided not to make MGM its home base. Anyone know more?
  7. cknight66


    Movies these large tend to generate a certain amount of "buzz" before they open (which can determine how much planning is done before opening), but I doubt we will see any attractions getting the green light before there is a solid chance that the film is strong and has longevity and mass appeal.
  8. cknight66


    The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Hi, I never post, but read pretty often, and i have done some work on this film. C.S. Lewis' The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, originally published in 1950, is the second and best-known novel in the seven-part Narnia series. Some of the other...
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