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  1. P

    Birthday Help!

    Hello All!!! My family and I have been traveling to WDW for quite some time now, I guess you could say we're somewhat "experienced" disney fanatics! We will be at WDW on my sister's birthday this year and I really want to do something special for her! She will be turning 40 years old and I...
  2. P

    Disney Internships

    Has anyone had a Disney INternship? If so, Please share your experience! Would you recommend it? Where did you get placed? How do they do the placings?! Thanks in advance!:)
  3. P

    Favorite Souvenirs From Walt Disney World

    Omgosh!!!! They really have these? :eek: This was always a huge joke within my family!:ROFLOL: Where can I get one?!!!!!!
  4. P

    Dream Squad

    I LOOOOOVVVVEEEE reading this thread!!!! I'm arriving in a few days it just makes me SO excited!!!!! It would be so cool to win something but I would be thrilled to just SEE the dream squad! *and by the way Locheed (sp?) I'm pretty sure I get SW2K now (snow white 2000) and I just wanted to...
  5. P

    Great WDW trip last week!!

    Thats great you had such a good time! We are arriving in WDW this Thursday and I pray for the crowds and weather to be as great as it was last week! Thanks for posting!:sohappy:
  6. P

    Dream Squad

    Lets hear some more about the Dream Squad!!!! Please share your experiences!
  7. P

    I'm Too Excited to Sleep!

    Hey everyone! :)We are leaving for WDW in exactly ONE week!:sohappy: The last time we were there was May of 2006 and this year we are returning with my 6, 8, & 18 year old cousins my 16 year old brother, mom, aunt and grandma....we are BIG WDW people (esp. me, mom and grandma!) Any information...
  8. P

    birthday in disney world

    Birthday My mom's birthday will be during our WDW trip, does anyone know any special secrets or tips for having a birthday at Disney World?
  9. P

    Please Help!

    Hi, my family and I have been lucky enough to make it to Disney World several times, could anyone share any new (maybe secret) ideas or must-dos at WDW? I have found some interesting stuff (waking up tinkerbell, pirate ship rides, and paintbrushes on tom sawyer island), but am dieing to know...
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