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  1. D

    Kids Thrown Out Of Disneyworld

    The mother who was upset about her babies being woke up should have gone right to the punks who did this and beat there butts or made them load everyones luggage. But im sure this mom will say "Oh they were no trouble they were just kids being kids" No lady they were punks being punks . These...
  2. D

    Kids Thrown Out Of Disneyworld

    Good Job Wdw To the ones stating not all should have been kicked out just look at the policy thats states if one breaks the rules they all are kicked out. its a good rule because instead of picking one scapegoat they all are booted. I think this is excellent on disneys part. Pop Warner should...
  3. D

    It happened to me! Ouch!

    The Door OK have to play devils advocate here. What if the problem is not with the door? What if the door is working as its supposed too? Could it be this child and there parent were not expecting the door to close so hard and fast? Doesnt mean the door is at fault its just the person isnt used...
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