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  1. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Should Disney do About Vaping?

    Actually, there are only 4 in MK. For as exspensive as the park is, that's very few. I was agreeing with the previous comment that just like they put trash cans every few feet to discourage littering, if you really want to keep people from smoking outside of designated areas, put more in.
  2. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Should Disney do About Vaping?

    THIS! Make more smoking areas and there will be less sneaking.
  3. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Should Disney do About Vaping?

    I think it's important to remember that not everybody enjoys confrontation, in fact a lot of people avoid it. I'm pretty sure the only thing the CM could do would be to let the guest know they can smoke in designated areas. As far as if it's his job or not I think that could be debateable...
  4. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Would You Ban?

    Line jumping. Particularly when someone is bringing snacks back for the clan in line. 1) If you couldn't wait till after the ride to eat, maybe you should just take a break. 2) Get your snacks before getting in line.
  5. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Would You Ban? I hear that Dihydrogen Monoxide is a killer.
  6. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Would You Ban?

    I haven't gotten through the whole thread, but had to stop here. Really? What do y'all do in life because I'm assuming everytime you go out you encounter something that doesn't fit into your worldview or the "high standards" you've set for your family? Someone sitting at a table drinking...
  7. Fossilizedtreesap

    What Should Disney do About Vaping?

    I will start by saying this- If Disney Rules say vaping should be done in the smoking area that is where it should happen, but I do have some comments. 1) Not everyone who Vapes is a jerk. Some people are actually considerate as to how their actions may affect others and the generalizations on...
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