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    Parking and Such......

    Alright guys, i need help from anyone who brought their car to carrer start. How do you get a parking pass? What do you need to do to get one? What paperwork? etc... Any help would be amazing..thanks
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    Growing up here, I love thunderstorms...Hurricanes are...interesting to go through...
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    c-nyce, Im a florida resident thats arriving on august 14th... I've been through a few hurricanes, tropical depressions, what-not. The thing about hurricanes is that they can mostly be predicted. So if there is one, we will have enough time to prepare for it. Im sure witha big corporation...
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    August 2nd

    I will NOT be there for August 2nd....But I will be there August 14th...Sorry, I know this thread was for august Seconders....Sadly, some of us can't get that lucky.... Thanks alot guys, for reminding me of the extra two weeks I will not be there. Seriously... Thanks Im not bitter...
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