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  1. Woser

    17 Years of the Hollywood that never was!

    Just wait till it hit's 21.. that park is going to be a booze hound.. Oh, wait it already is..
  2. Woser

    Does EE go upside down?

    this is true, there are a few like this that exist still, where they do inversions with only a lap bar, but they were "grandfathered" in when the law was changed in .. i want to say the late 80's. But ya, EE is like Big thunder. Lots of turns no loops.
  3. Woser

    Secretly Spent Nite @ MK?

    I've stayed in the park overnight.. but most Cast members have.. Toontown is known for it during long hours at the park. But hiding in the park.. never heard of it ( and anything like that would get around Disney cast members faster then anything else. ) And Disney couldn't do an...
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