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  1. E

    Club Cool Back To Normal Yet?

    i just came back on the 24th and it had the same signs up there were only like 4 or 5 flavors working... :lookaroun
  2. E

    anything stolen?

    Hi There! Just wondering has anyone had anything stolen on a ride? back pack, purses, plush toys... ect... it would seem that since there are alot of people going in and out of rides, that would happen. Thanks a Ton! Edith
  3. E

    Body Glide? thats where i found it. it suposed to stop the soreness of skin rubbing together, for long walks or for running. i've heard of it but never tired it, thus why the original thread. i just wonder if any of you guys ever used it, and if you have were there any good...
  4. E

    Body Glide?

    i've heard of this product called body glide... it suposed to be a good thing to put on if your walking long distances, and i'm going to WDW so of course i'm going to be walking. my question is; is it any good? or has anyone heard of it? i would love some feed back on the product. thanks!!! Edy
  5. E

    How Much Money?

    Hello there, I'm new here (this being my 2nd thread) i just graduated from pharmacy school, and my parents are taking us (my sister, her boyfriend, my boyfriend and my self (6 adults) ) to WDW :D to celebrate. any who, I'm not paying for any part of the trip, food, tickets, room... (my present)...
  6. E

    I'm New here with a question...

    Hi guys! I'm new here great site! to give the Lowdown on my story i just graduated Pharmacy School (6 long years). and my family and i are going down to Disney Florida to celebrate :D. any who I've heard so much about these Disney Pins and Lanyards, i would like to know how they work? the whole...
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