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  1. CoryMitchell

    Holy Moly!!! - Pirates Water Park

    Well..thanks for expressing your views a little more clearly this time Poncho. All I can say about your accsations of Jim's stories being wrong is that Jim is a great guy and that if you think that you have the correct version of a story as compared to what he has written, then you should get...
  2. CoryMitchell

    Holy Moly!!! - Pirates Water Park

    Thanks for your kind words. I work hard with Jim and all our other writers at Jim Hill Media, and to hear you call our work sewage really warms my heart. Please keep reading.
  3. CoryMitchell

    Holy Moly!!! - Pirates Water Park

    No, I wasn't the author. But as a member of the editorial staff for the site, and as the guy who talks to the public through boards and such, I will take the kicking. I must say that I felt good thinking that we were going to be the first ones to show the pic. It's natural in the competitive...
  4. CoryMitchell

    Holy Moly!!! - Pirates Water Park

    does anyone have any bandages for my shins? They are bleeding.:o
  5. CoryMitchell

    Holy Moly!!! - Pirates Water Park

    Feel free to kick my shins all you like if it will make you happy. I feel bad that we claimed to have the image before anyone else when that wasn't true, but all I can do is correct the issue and give credit to the artist.
  6. CoryMitchell

    Holy Moly!!! - Pirates Water Park

    steve, I know who the source is, I obviously can't say who, for job safety reasons. But, I'm confident in the source and the fact that the source didn't just pull the image from Scott Sherman's website.
  7. CoryMitchell

    Holy Moly!!! - Pirates Water Park

    We at Jim Hill Media recieved this piece of artwork from an inside source at WDI. We did not crop out Mr Sherman's name. We published the image as it was delivered to us. There was no intention to remove credit from Mr. Sherman. We have now added an update to the article that mentions Mr...
  8. CoryMitchell

    POTC Water Adventure

    Just thought I'd give you WDW people a heads up. We got tossed an awesome piece of concept art over at Jim Hill Media for a POTC water park that is in the blue sky phase. Head over and take a look if you like. Cory Mitchell...
  9. CoryMitchell

    Farewell to the Land

    Hey Guys. I know you all were really ed at Jim for his criticism of General Grizz over the whole land thing. But, there is a great new article on the site today that just got posted written by Wade Sampson called "Farewell to the Land". I thought you guys might enjoy it. Here is the...
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