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  1. G

    An Invasion

    One more thing and then I'll refrain from posting to this thread any further (whether I'm banned or not). This is from an email that circulated the internet in the weeks and months after 9/11. I think it illustrates my point better than I have. It is meant to be presented in a humorous yet...
  2. G

    An Invasion It works.
  3. G

    An Invasion

    Please don't hate me. Why does everyone abhor violence? The reality is, violence is the only thing that keeps your family safe at night. Without violence, we wouldn't have any of the freedoms we enjoy. The fact of the matter is, violence is a necessary evil. Just ask President Bush. He would...
  4. G

    An Invasion

    Please hear me out... I'm rude?!? Let me give you a tip. Might means right. Why is America the greatest country in the world? Some may say it's because of our democracy and our freedom. I believe the real reason is because we have the most powerful military in the world. We don't use...
  5. G

    An Invasion

    Learn from the pain! Okay...the next time any guest encounters rude guests (Brazilian or not) they should grab the nearest large blunt object and start bashing skulls! :hammer: I hate those f***ing Brazilian tour groups and won't stand for it. I've had more than a few altercations with them...
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