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  1. J

    News New Park Entrance coming to Epcot

    Looks good! I think the headline should have read “water feature.” Where’s the “fountain” part of the fountain? :-)
  2. J

    News Walt Disney World's COVID-19 reopening plans announced - July 11

    You forgot the extra charge for the privilege of seeing Disney and the Florida landscape from a new and unique vantage point. :D
  3. J

    Magic bands for admittance, dining, and shopping, but NOT rides...would you buy?

    Lets's expend on that idea. What if they sold passes to the rides and perhaps charged more for some rides than others. You could enter the park for a cheaper price then ride only the rides you wanted to and paid for each ride. Maybe they could label the passes with letters to differentiate the...
  4. J

    News WDW Resorts to add fees for parking

    My thoughts exactly. Walt would never have let the parks fall in to the disrepair I've seen over the past eight years. Not to mention breaking the whole your "in a movie and every sight angle needs to promote the movie you're in" Walt pushed. Aladdin's spin an adventure land? Guardians of the...
  5. J

    News WDW Resorts to add fees for parking

    I appreciate the sentiment. The cast member checking you in won't be able to do anything about it other than wish you a magical day. I'm staying few days less at WDW my next trip too. And off site.
  6. J

    News WDW Resorts to add fees for parking

    I haven’t read the entire 145 pages of comments so this might be a “me too” reply but my next trip will be off site with reduced days at WDW. There are six of us so we have to get two rooms when we stay on site. I can get an entire house with private pool for about $500 a day less than staying...
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