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  1. bcone

    Holiday Magical Gathering I would classify myself under the "seasoned" DW traveler...DVC membership, take multiple trips annually, yada yada yada. But we're doing something different this year and will be spending Christmas down there...and we'll have a group of 17. Now we've traveled in large goups before for...
  2. bcone

    Be Our Guest Booking...

    So we've decide to spend Christmas this year in Disney and was wondering if anyone has heard when they will start taking ADR for the new "Be Our Guest" restaurant...thanks for any info!
  3. bcone

    Animal Kingdom Lodge

    it's not very long...I would say less than .25 mile. Its a nice walk and almost as fast as driving it. Just follow the path to the Kidani bus load area and turn left just past it and follow the sidewalk's a very nice walk.
  4. bcone

    High School Level Internship Programs

    This may or may not be the place to post this but are there high school level internship programs that run during the summer months? Thanks
  5. bcone

    Illuminations after dinner @ Rose & Crown

    7:40 works great...we've even done a 7pm sitting. The nice thing about it is that you can draw it out yourselves and make it work. As always though, request the lower patio seat if the weather permits. You'll have stagglers coming out from the inside dining to watch and can sometimes crowd...
  6. bcone

    Running with a camera?

    any small point and shoot digital will work. They're getting so small it's no different than running with a ipod classic,touch,phone. Careful though b/c the Wine and Dine is a night race this time and based on past's hard to get really good shots with some of the light levels...
  7. bcone

    Is it too early for a January 2010 roll call?

    January 7-16...5th year for running the marathon and a 1/'s annual for us now and the crowds the week after the marathon are usually incredibly low! Bay Lake Towers!
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