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  1. M

    Romantic Birthday Dinner Suggestions?

    Hello! I'm planning a romantic dinner to celebrate my birthday during our trip. I'm looking into places for dinner and am thinking about these three. 1. Monsieur Paul 2. Tutto Italia Ristorante 3. Via Napoli Ristorante A Pizzeria What are your suggestions! Have you had a special dinner...
  2. M

    First Time Planning!

    Thank you everyone! You're all too sweet! I'm SO excited! I also didn't even think to have a birthday dinner! Maybe I can talk my sweetie into an early birthday cake...Hmm. :) I'm going on monday to get a planning binder! Oh my. I just can't help it! Its like everyday I think of a new thing to...
  3. M

    First Time Planning!

    Are you red headed? If so, probably! I bet your just as excited as me!
  4. M

    First Time Planning!

    Hello! I'm really, really new to the forums and I am finally succumbing to the fact that I am OBSESSED with planning my Disney Vacation. I've been to the parks before but never for over a two days. All I can talk is disney this and disney that. I'm even reading blogs on my lunch breaks. I...
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