
Hey there! I'm toetheline29 (which is code for Angie). I was raised on Disney - the movies, the music, the parks, everything. For me, Disney is a connection to my family and to my childhood. Disney taught me to use my imagination, to look beyond what others see, and above all, to arrive early.

I'm seriously contemplating doing the CP in a year or two, when things settle down at school. I think it would be a ton of fun, but at the same time, am worried that it may taint the way I view WDW.

Oh yeah, and if you read any of my posts, you'll notice that I use parentheses way, way too frequently. Sorry.
Favorite Park
Tie- Hollywood Studios and Epcot
Favorite Attraction
Great Movie Ride
Favorite Firework Show
Favorite Resort
Favorite Restaurant
Crystal Palace
Last Visit to WDW
Feb. 2009
Favorite Disney Movie
The Lion King
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