
I am a music and amusement park enthusiast. I love going to any theme park (though Disney is certainly special for all the extra theming and quality of service). I also am very passionate about music, and try to go to many concerts. My favorite music acts are Animal Collective, Panda Bear, They Might Be Giants, Rush, Owl City, Oingo Boingo, Daft Punk, Beck, Weird Al, etc. basically very eclectic. Despite my young age I am an avid CD and Vinyl collector, with roughly 150 CD's to my name so far, and probably 30 records (though that will hopefully grow faster in the future. I also have interests in Pinball, Minigolf, casual video games, and road trips.
Jun 28, 1994 (Age: 30)
Winnipeg Mb
Favorite Park
Magic Kingdom
Favorite Attraction
Splash Mountain
Favorite Parade
Who cares about parades, their are rides to be re-ridden
Favorite Firework Show
See above
Favorite Resort
If I have a bed to sleep in, a shower to shower in, and decently fast transportation, I don't care.
Favorite Restaurant
Sci-Fi Drive In
Favorite Character
Chernabog, Brer Fox
Last Visit to WDW
August 2015
Next Visit to WDW (Arriving)
Favorite Disney Movie
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Next Visit to WDW (Departure)
Next Visit to WDW - Location
Gender Pronouns
Number of WDW Trips
7 (counting this upcoming one)
Ride Operator


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