Recent content by NobodyBaby

  1. NobodyBaby

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine The Game - Uncaged Ad

    Probably the best video game commercial I've ever seen.
  2. NobodyBaby

    Favorite lost TV shows

    What are your favorite TV shows that had the plug pulled far too soon? Ya know like Freaks & Geeks or Arrested Development.
  3. NobodyBaby

    History in the making!

    Ashley Simpson is hosting a contest for ladies 16-22. The contestants who has the best youtube video describing what they would do if they were president win a trip to the party convention of their choice (aka DNC or RNC) You can enter here. I won't say which h\one I want to go to, but I hope...
  4. NobodyBaby

    What are they putting on tv these days?

    I’ve seen this show. I dont think that guy really looks like carrot top so they both have messy hair doesn't make him a look a like, but i'll admit the messy hair on tv makes him look a little wierd, but he’s actually pretty normal and somehow keeps his cool when his clients freak out on him...
  5. NobodyBaby

    New Disney Dream Job Contest!

    what are the age limits for this contest?
  6. NobodyBaby

    Reality TV

    I have yet to watch an episode of House. I made a deal with my friend that if she starts watching Scrubs, I'll start House; I'll let you know how that turns out :) As for reality shows .. I love Discovery Channel shows (Man vs. Wild, Survivorman, Mythbusters), Food Network (Dinner Impossible...
  7. NobodyBaby

    Reality TV

    With the WGA strike going on, there seems to be nothing left to watch besides “reality” tv shows. I’m so sick of them, especially with those competition-type shows. Anyway, I was wondering what sort of reality shows you guys are currently watching and why you watch it. I realized that I’ve run...
  8. NobodyBaby

    Smells like nirvana.

    True that.
  9. NobodyBaby


    What can you do .. I have a bunch of pet peeves, especially when it comes to grammar and Internet lingo. But whatever, as long as you get the gist of what someone is saying, right?
  10. NobodyBaby

    the ellen degeneres dog custody battle

    i don't know how many of you have been following this dog custody battle with ellen degeneres, but I think the shelter is being a bit ridiculous, and probably just because she's a celebrity. i heard they skipped most of the paperwork for the adoption in the first place (special treatment because...
  11. NobodyBaby

    Everyone needs a little Joel in their life…

    Everyone needs a little Joel in their life… Maybe this is too much!!! Here is more Joel than any sane person could want.
  12. NobodyBaby

    Internet routines?

    Do you have a routine on the internet? Whenever I go online I always start with my gmail, head to Haystack (music social networking), try to be productive, and then eventually fall into the StumbleUpon trap (it's a cool thing that brings you to sites based on your interests and it lets you...
  13. NobodyBaby

    Your opinion?

    Their is an Austrailian band called The Cat Empire that has a lot of catchy tunes. They would probably be a good choice for a disney movie.
  14. NobodyBaby

    Tips for Soarin'

    Why is it the worst in November? I would assume February.
  15. NobodyBaby

    Check this out........The Fate of the Disney Charecters

    Hahaha they were pretty good.... poor disney characters.
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