M. A. Pleasure

I was born on July 4th 1873. Married Pittsburgh debutant, Isabella Cabrinni. Have three lovely children, Stewart, Henry & Merriam. Carved an Island empire out of the Federber Peninsula, (at least a peninsula until after I set off the worlds largest firecracker to celebrate the end of WWI).

Dominoes, Adventuring, Sailing, Fireworks production
The Pleasure Family Home (Portobello Yacht Club)
Favorite Park
Favorite Attraction
Adventurers Club
Favorite Parade
The 11:30 Parade out of the Unisex Bathroom
Favorite Firework Show
The ones I created out of my Fireworks Factory
Favorite Resort
The Grand Floridian (I built it for Isabella after all)
Favorite Restaurant
Portobello Yacht Club
Favorite Disney Movie
Up (Reminds me so much of my Club)
Canvas and Sailmaking
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